Warum wollte Julius Cäsar, bzw die Römer, England erobern?

Sie schafften es letztendlich nicht, aber warum überhaupt versuchen? Was war in der Insel so besonders toll damals, die Kelten dort waren keine Hochkultur

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1 year ago

Why did Julius Caesar, or the Romans, want to conquer England?

The roemers have been there, only Scotland did not have them under control. They could have been too inhospitable up there?

Why was the Hadrianswall built? The Hadrianswall was built to protect the Roman province of Britain from the tribes of the Pikten in the north, to mark the political border between the Roman Empire and the Barbarian regions and to control the movements of persons and goods.

Hadrianswall: Builder, History & Building – StudySmarter

1 year ago

The Roman legions held England very well occupied. The reason was not least silver and tin (necessary for bronze production). Today’s Scotland was not only relatively uninteresting for the Romans, but it was very difficult to occupy because of the warrior barbarians and geography. (The Scots are still known for their freedom urge)

Ergo built the Romans the “Hadrianswall” in a similar way to the Lower Norman Limes to delimit their “influencing sphere” against the “barbarians”.

The deduction of the Romans took place only a few centuries later – due to the general decline of the Roman Empire – again analogously to the situation in Niedergermania.

1 year ago

He wanted to create it as the greatest ruler in the history of humanity, but he did it and before he wanted to start his last campaign at his last meeting in the Senate he was murdered by his own son Brutus and his


1 year ago
Reply to  h7594

If he had been murdered at his penultimate meeting…

1 year ago

It went in all directions.

The Roman Empire had to continue to expand due to various internal social and economic factors.

1 year ago

Because of the heritage.

The symbol of the meaning of the eagle.

1 year ago

The Romans wanted tin to produce bronze. The Germans also wanted not to go to the Caspian Sea because of the high culture there, but because of the oil.

1 year ago

Of course they did. Only from Scotland there was the border wall. Were there beautiful fertile landscapes and the Celts were not a high culture. So better, then you could suppress them well.

1 year ago

Have you done it and secured the Hadrianswall to the north.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nofear20

No they didn’t make it first they didn’t conquer Scotland because of the picts and later they left the island

1 year ago
Reply to  tomas729

At 400 years of Roman rule in England one can’t say they didn’t make it. Scotland did not seem to be exhorted to them, and the border of Hadrianswall was built against raids from the north. Londonium was founded by the Romans.
