Warum wollen so viele Menschen den Veganismus sabotieren?
Ich bekomme oft mit das Menschen die tierische Produkte konsumieren, die vegane Bewegung am liebsten sabotieren würden und stolz darauf sind das zb. in Asien der Fleischkonsum ansteigt.
Ich verstehe nicht warum man sich darüber freuen kann, dass das Ausmaß an Tierquälerei woanders größer wird.
Warum ist es so das Menschen die nicht vegan leben nicht froh darüber sind, wenn andere erreicht werden und wenigstens sie etwas gegen dieses Tierleid unternehmen wollen? Man kann doch nicht absichtlich für Tierleid sein? Jeder freut sich ja immer wie sehr Menschen die gegen Tierleid vorgehen in der Minderheit sind, das ist für mich total suspekt und dann noch hoffen das sie in der Minderheit bleiben.
Warum freut man sich wenn es Misserfolg gibt bei veganen Metzgereien oder Geschäften, wenn es eigentlich einen positiven Aspekt für Tiere hätte und sie ja dennoch weiterhin tierische Produkte konsumieren können und ihnen keiner was wegnimmt?
Das verstehe ich nicht.
This has several reasons:
Sorry if I have to tell you this personally: the reason that some people feel a considerable amount of rejection and aversion to vegans and vegetarians – and their supposed ideology, are such people as you.
Small ideological missionaries who are bitter because not everyone follows their ideology – and then start verbally to beat themselves and, as here, to be insulting and telling nonsense – and who think themselves to be a little better and radiate this – and then wonder why one finds them annoying and does not want to hear their concerns, which might be quite legitimate.
I know, by the way, just as the others here so far, no one who would like to see more mass livestock – for example for the Chinese market. I only know people who don’t like when someone wants to talk them into their food missionally and thinks they’re better because he chooses morally on the better side.
Unfortunately, a lot of the joke is: “How do you recognize a vegan? He says it!” (and yes, I know that many vegans are not like that, they are not meant here either).
Sorry if I have to tell them personally:
But people like you are the reason for animal suffering in the animal industry.
to put on their heads, to put on their heads
I don’t think I’m better. It’s so the vegan is getting vegan because they don’t think they’re better. You are the ones who stand over every life and you think you can exploit and torment animals only because you are humans. Who thinks something better here?
And that’s exactly what I mean. You’re hateful, and that’s why you’re sleeping around you and you don’t even notice how much you’re doing.
You know nothing about me. You don’t know how far I care about animal welfare, you don’t know if I’m a vegan and even care about the glue I use. You see here that I critise you (otherwise to help you – and people who really care about animals because you show them a bear service) and sleep around you.
Sure, it’s relatively easy here to find out how far I use animals as food, but you don’t make the trouble first.
You want people to listen to you? Then not like that. Next to your first stupid Mimimi roundabout I didn’t read – and it probably won’t do anything else.
I’ll give you a good advice: that’s how you scare people. If DIR someone says, “Thank God the Chinese eat more and more meat” – then not because he really thinks that, but because you have annoyed him and he just provoked you with it. If you want to reach people with the legitimate critique of mass animal husbandry, you have to do this completely differently than here. So you only get an antidote to you AND to the subject. If you want to hurt the subject, keep going.
You can accept the well-meaning advice here, or you can mourn him again and crawl around, is your decision, I will not deal with you any further as long as you behave like a small, defensive child.
I would like to say something about this “Witz”:
They’ll kill themselves if they eat the wrong one. This is not the case with vegans.
And: Mixed chefs talk about food, but as good as never explicitly, that they are mixed chefs.
The last 20 years more.
I can only tell you, my uncle has been “outed” before his Bundeswehr period – and he’s almost 60 now.
I wouldn’t do that.
Well, it would theoretically be possible for them to have something in the way. Prove that they also feel in their individual parts, so some kind of nervous system is yes.
As I said, you have to put yourself in the position. Imagine entering for human rights & is surrounded by slavery. Don’t open your mouth, wouldn’t be easy either.
But if there is no context in leisure, the fewest vegans would say something.
Only that the loud vegans are always in their actionism mode, for which life is part of this activism.
It may not happen constantly, but it is not very rare. And that’s enough for vegans to make aggressors here.
Even loud vegans do most in the context of their activism.
Only when it comes to cooking for this person. Very often, however, this is not the reason for the statement. And I personally know a few omnivores who are excited about it when it is said when it comes to a common cooking/food. It is only annoying when it seems to happen unfolding, which is unfortunately the case with the loud vegans.
But what more individual cases are I think. With us, it’s relatively normal that someone asks.
It’s not necessarily about dying as an allergy sufferer. And the principle is the same: you cannot eat certain foods. Unlike a mixed food, you don’t have to label it because it’s clear. So the statement that you are vegan is a more sensible disclaimer.
But if you want another example: there are also people who otherwise make a special diet. People who feed low carb or fast at intervals also talk no less about their diet than vegans. And they also call the type of their diet.
I know, for example, the case that you can refresh in the restaurant if you also have vegan food. The person I was eating then responded aggressively and meant that I would talk about it all the time. However, the question was alternativeless and I had to put the word in my mouth. Just to illustrate this.
So in 2008 we had 80,000 vegans in Germany. I haven’t noticed much of it yet. Maybe you’re from a big city? But with me in the village at that time, people didn’t even know what the term means.
Markus Keller and Claus Leitzmann have even statistically documented this phenomenon in their book Vegetarism. I can’t cite it because the book is no longer in my possession.
It may be that it was with your uncle, but it might be an exception.
Many might make it unconscious.
It doesn’t even have to be you, but you just have to watch it at third.
Where’s that proven?
The current state of science is that plants have stimuli reactions, but no feelings.
Apart from the fact that no one would hit a car wheel for a spring onion on a hot summer day.
First of all, you say about people like me, people are terrified and go to me personally what you even wrote in your text. Then I turn the spear around and tell you only the people who consume animal products support animal suffering, which is nothing but truth, and you feel so attacked that you start to sneak. The little defiant child is definitely you.
Then you call me missionary, then that I would think of something better, etc.
First of all, how do you want to know if I feel like something better? I can’t feel anything for your own conscience if someone tells you the truth unsightly.
You, like me, take away things from this debate, which may not be the same, and also suggest them to me.
I certainly don’t feel superior, otherwise I wouldn’t be weaker in defending them for trivial reasons such as taste, habit, tradition and convenience pain and suffering.
And why should I not be allowed to confront people with their violence? You put animals knives in the throats and you’re upset about my verbal, unsightly confrontation and I’m missionary?
You’re not the victim here, you’re the animals. And it doesn’t matter if I love you now with one, please put it to your heart, you pantomy, you a dance leader about the suffering of the animals, or if I call it hardy.
No matter what you do, you feel attacked and put yourself in a sacrificial position as you get a mirror from the evil vegans.
You are striving for a verbal confrontation and during this time you send 150 billion animals to death each year. Think about who the aggressor is.
And now no more shock to a debate with you, your “good” advice, you don’t need to give me if you can simply let the well-intentional advice of the animals put them in peace and not do any violence to them either.
And now Bye.
So personally I haven’t met such people yet, but under vegan recipes etc. on YouTube I read this daily.
The problem is that both extremes are not okay. Those who eat meat must not complain about vegans and those who eat vegans should not be over the meat eaters. You can always try through delicious vegan recipes etc. People to eat more plant-based, but you should not force anyone and militant procedures usually lead to more affection of people.
Good examples of veganism are the Youtuber VeganeWunder, FitGreenMind and PlantYou.
People who aggressively reject veganism and condemn those who feed themselves in this way are most likely to just justify their own consumption of meat. People tend to want to always be right, and if they do not want to give up meat, they are more likely to celebrate meat consumption in order to justify themselves.
To the last I would like to say that everyone is different. You can’t pack all meat eaters in a drawer, but not all vegans. The vegans I know are all not aggressive, but most meat eaters aren’t.
It is not possible to apply the principle of tolerance here. For meat eaters have not only one opinion, but they also act accordingly. And acts have their limits.
Imagine someone would beat his dog for sadistic reasons. This mutual tolerance principle could not be applied.
It is difficult for many to say where the border is. I’m a vegetarian myself, but you can’t ban meat. Sometimes when I cook for the whole family, they complain that there is no meat there. Meat is so important. You don’t need to explain your testimony to me, but thousands of meat eaters.
I can’t tell anyone who could be attributed to this environment.
I prefer the vegans with their gue and their well-meaned advice. Everyone should eat what he feels good for himself, but he should also be tolerant to his fellow human beings who think differently about it.
I come from an agriculturally shaped family, the peasants are currently feeling like the nation’s beatings. Certainly there are states that are not optimal, but all to generalize and condemn is not correct and unfair.
I fully agree with that
This is cognitive dissonance.
No one finds animal torture good. In order to bear their own conscience, Fleischesser must agree that it is morally good or at least okay to eat animal products. This is, of course, total bullshit.
Some are driving it so far that they also think it is good when the animal industry is growing. They are increasing in there, just to not have to deal with the fact that they themselves commission animal torture and animal murder.
No one finds animal torture good is a mere submission. Let’s just assume it’s someone who cares about it, then I’d rather call it chauvinism.
“the vegan movement”
There’s the complete mistake of thinking. Just because you and others are so nourishing and possibly living like that, based on any motives and partly false opinions, you should not start making a movement from it.
Talking about it, argumenting, discussing the work of persuasion including scientific data, investigations and facts should be left to experts. There’s only one thing I can think of in Germany…
And in order to stay at the same time with flat-rate and undifferentiated statements: Vegan does not automatically mean completely animal-free even if this is perhaps your way of thinking and your claim.
If you use as a vegan substitute products manufactured by concerts that generate their sales from mass livestock, among other things, I even indirectly continue to support this whole machine without knowing it and with a false good conscience.
Because veganism is an ethical ecological and health dead end.
It dies and suffers more animals and it harms the environment more than a well planned mixed food. That’s more vegan but not true.
Please define your statement. Why do you think the animals would suffer more if we stop enslaving, mistreating and murdering 150 billion farm animals and 2.7 trillion marine animals?
Because Nutrients have to eat and not grow in the supermarket shelves…
Animals are not only dog cat chicken beef and pig…
in one year you eat only 18-24kg meat and the remaining 306kg food are other foods, although the average meat consumer eats about 57kg meat a year?
So you eat other food?
You don’t know what “good planning” means? And can’t even plan well? How do you want to live vegan without planning?
From a single pasture bark I can eat meat for 15-20 years, depending on hunger
explain to me what this bill looks like. An average beef weighs about 500-600 kg and you get about 50-60 % of the total weight as a food. If you’re generous, that’s 360kg food. On average, however, a person eats 330kg of food per year. So there’s something wrong with your bill.
You make it
I didn’t write anything about life or the mixed food. So you can save your tingling insults.
I mean what I wrote
The pleasure of plants thus brings the painful poisoning and fragmentation of billions of animals, predators, extermination of whole species by monocultures, the destruction of foods, the waste of water by low-nutrients plants, fine dust by mass import/export, greenhouse gases that worsen climate change, rainforest destruction due to South fruits and palm oil, soybean oil, water poisoning due to massive pesticide use and art devail.
From a single pasture bark I can eat meat for 15-20 years, depending on hunger. The nutrients I take over the pasture bark do not have to be produced by the mass destruction of arable crops. A single animal dies in 15-20 years directly for meat consumption for this, billions of ANIMALS die when planting. Field hares, fieldhamsters, rainworms, moles, deer, wild boars, mice, birds…and VIELE many more. In order to test the pesticides alone, animals are severely tormented and caused by the surface stress of arable farming and animals reduce their natural habitat, not to mention. The least animal/nature suffers from a well-planned regional, ecologically sustainable mixed animal that is based on pastures and wildlife.
What do you mean by that statement if I misinterpreted them?
First, you don’t need to address me personally just because you can’t refute your own statements.
Secondly, I have never claimed this is not essential for us vitamin B12. That’s what you’ve done, and you’ve gotten out of context.
Where do the nutrients come from like vitamin B12. Schaumal, you have absolutely no idea but a lot of opinion about it.
Vitamin B12 is also supplemented and mixed in animal feed for the most part in the animal industry.
So we would have the way to take this important micronutrient directly or to let it take up the animal first and then to kill it after a painful life, then to consume the killing body and thus to cover this need.
For me, the first option sounds much more effective and more ethically acceptable.
Don’t we have to?
Do they grow there?
Sure, where do the nutrients come from? From the moon? Just because you know lack others are not wrong.
I’ve never claimed and never stands anywhere. You can’t even think a clear thought…you lack knowledge in simple understanding of texts
Because we need to eat nutrients that do not grow in the supermarket shelf, veganism is more responsible for animal suffering and an ecological dead end? All right. The only nutrients you need to supplemate is vitamin B12, which is wonderful in a capsule form. I’m still waiting for your argument that the mixed food is less damaging to animals than a vegan way of life. If you’re already doing something here, you’ll start it. Note: 150 MILLIARDEN LANDTIERE, 2.7 BILLIONEN MOREY.
“I don’t understand why you can be pleased that the extent of animal cruelty is increasing elsewhere.”
I don’t understand.
Specially vegan animal “protectionists look at Dominion, do not understand that there are also conditions that are prohibited in Germany.
They then want to abolish or prohibit German animal husbandry, so that the animal products are then imported from abroad, also from Australia, using the methods shown.
As a result of lower animal husbandry in Germany, the proportion of animals produced in Dominion is increasing. The Australian meat traders look forward to German vegan activists. Great.
Strange – I don’t know anyone who lives and acts like that.
I don’t read more than generalizations here.
First, there is no “vegan movement”.
Secondly, you are so unimportant that no one makes the effort to “sabotage” you.
Thirdly, you can lack how you want, that doesn’t even interest ordinary people.
Fourthly, it is the militant vegans who try to impose their absurd vegan diet of a “religion” on others.
Knabber your vegetables and mamply bird food as you want – but don’t worry about your fellow human beings.
What do you not understand?
You’re right to call me so unimportant. This is not about me, but about the animals.
Also mentioned above, a religion is something supernatural that is not tangible for us humans. But animal cruelty is very well a subject that is existent and to be against animal cruelty is not a religion.
Or is it a religion for you when there are animal protectors who help dogs in Romania and are committed to them?
If malnutrition is your only argument, it’s a shame. I prefer to supplement Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 as:
to put on their heads, to put on their heads, to put on their heads, to cut off their heads, to cut off the horns, to steal from them
The internet is full of haters and with the variety of topics it also meets veganism or vegans.
It has become sadly chic, and even the dumbest one tries to be a hater if he gets enough attention. The more aggressive, the more correct – they believe. And there are so many topics that are affected by it. Veganism is just one among many. It is seen in the USA how it is hated and hated here between vegans and anti-Vegans. And this is usually done without proper arguments or with herbaceous “arguments”. In Germany it is not so dramatic, but there are also occasional verbal battles delivered.
I think a reasonable person does not hate here, but considers veganism as an alternative attitude that he can easily accept, as it does not harm him personally. In your place, I’d just stay away from social media. I’ll do it too.
You call a new religion into life and encourage yourself not to follow all. It’s outrageous and disturbs people. And then many think, don’t go to the S.
Well, religion is something that is not tangible and you don’t know if there is supernatural now or not. But animal suffering in animal industry is very tangible and it has nothing to do with religion if one is something that exists and harms others, counteracts or even wants to end. Being against animal cruelty is not a religion, you must be aware.
The methods with which vegans represent their attitude now resemble the missionary attempts of religions. From a supposedly morally superior position to push out your own lifestyle to the other people. This leads to it. And therefore the statement, leave me alone.
Do not have to, you do what you want, I also 🖖
But is the one who feels superior not actually the person who consumes the animal products? They are “just” animals, and that is why they are supposed to have the right as Memsch to give them torment and take their lives.
And no vegan feels superior. If we feel so superior, why are we trying to convince you of veganism? Then we wouldn’t be thinking about eating the animal products if you were also vegan. What you say doesn’t make sense.
I often find it different.
Everyone can do what seems right. If I let myself intrude, no one else has to do that. Everyone decides for themselves.
I confess to eating what you want. And I eat and do what I think it suits me.
These are only people who have the uncontrollable need to express their opinion to others. The subject is only secondary.
Animal torture is not an opinion.
No, but feeling veganism as rejecting is one. Then you have to formulate your question differently. In my response, I am talking about people who feel the irresistible urge, to express their opinion and to force others to do so. It is not about animal cruelty or veganism per se, but only about “I think xyz is right, so everyone else has to do it because everything else is wrong”. This behaviour can also be transferred to other areas such as politics and technology.
It’s not vegan for me. Animals also kill animals. And not always pleasant. If a gnu will be eaten alive.
Only the difference the animals do this to survive and we have the ability to think rationally to question our behavior. Especially since it is not vital for us as for animals in nature. We have a moral compass that animals don’t. We make it for pleasure, convenience, habit and tradition, and this cannot justify the enslavement, abuse and killing of 150 billion land animals and 2.7 trillion marine animals.
Think rationally? Look at the people. The government etc .
Do you take medicines?
You want to take an example of animals for your morality?
Animals also rape each other. Animals also kill themselves for reasons other than hunger. Animals kill fellows, even children. Do you want to justify the violence that animals do so?
Escapism. I don’t justify violence. I’m stuck in what’s happening in nature. What you’re talking about, people do. Don’t you know? Don’t you have anything political? Gaza? Tribalism, etc. It’s drifting down here. Who eats meat can. / To my question: do you take medicines?
xxxxx processing time had expired. So twice.
What’s going on here? Who eats meat can. To my question, do you take medicines?
Right. But I condemn this violence and I would never give it to myself. Do you think these things are okay because animals do that? Just like you think it’s okay to eat parts of the body because animals do that too?
Less Social Media
Well, the one side keeps the other in front of animal torture, so you don’t have to wonder about the other.
But isn’t it the truth? to put them to death
Yeah, it’s all bad.
If you support this, what else is it if you can avoid this suffering? Vegans also cause suffering, I don’t talk about it. But they do not actively participate in this cruel animal exploitation system and try to avoid animal suffering as well as possible.
Meat eaters do not participate actively. You buy an end product.
You also do not actively participate in the pollution of the seas when you go to tank. This makes active those who make sure you get your appointment by car on 8.1.
With this sentence you could “justify” any violence in the world. Congratulations.
It is now that man can eat everything and it is also that man does not want to give up everything. You have to make sure you want or not.
Yes, actually, my blood pressure is 180, as I always hope that people finally realize how cruel the animals are treated and no longer support it. Somewhere there is a lack of hope and deep disappointment behind my anger. I just wish that the animals are finally seen and are not less important than a salad. It is really very sad to see the people who have their hearts on the right spot and do not want to hurt animals, to resist with their hands and feet, if one can curb this animal cruelty and thus weaken or even end the suffering of so many beings.
I know. This is also very commendable.
Vegansimus is about animal suffering as well as it is possible to avoid and not to be perfect. It’s not possible to do anything we do with the suffering of another. Even though I would walk to my appointment, I have broken many insects and plants on the way.
It’s just about we finally stop using animals for our purposes intentionally if it can be avoided.
As you grow up here, I’m not surprised that you don’t get any positive reactions, which makes us at my initial statement. That’s how you don’t encourage anyone to think. This is similar to the climate adhesives. Going to the biscuits does not change their behaviour patterns and ways of thinking, on the contrary.
I’d sit down in a corner in your place and drink a soothing tea. Your blood pressure must be 180. It’s not good in time.
Are you saying anything about supply and demand? If there was no demand, you would not have to torture and kill animals to death. Your shopping is your ballot, whether for or against animal torture.
And yes may be that I am also responsible for things that run wrong on this planet. I’m counting everything you think.
The fact is that we are all in the laying to dispense with this animal exploitation, as it has nothing vital for us.
I don’t know anyone who looks forward to it
You don’t have to understand. Live as you think it is right. I do. It’s legal.
I’m against cars, too. But that’s why they’re not abolished. However, there are many happy if they can then drive a Lambo… no one thinks of the environment.
I think you’re going to be huge again.
I’m vegetarians, but I don’t boycott them or make them bad.
I’m not happy about animal suffering.
I myself boycott veganism NOT, I also like to eat vegetables as a supplement to meat 🙄
Pommes is also vegetables;-). And for burgers you need this vegan stuff called grain;-).
You want that? Today everything and everyone is attacked, they are on their way to anarchy. Everyone is his own God who can’t be prescribed. – 2.Timotheus 3:1-5
Waeum should I have a God prescribe???
You’re insulting all the “Fleischfresser” for a whole “question” long, and you’re still insulting? Get up!
Mostly you can. 😜
Call me a single insult I wrote on my question. It is so that meat eaters are responsible for more animal suffering than vegans. Where is the truth an insult?
to put on their heads, to put on their heads
Is animal cruelty and I just said that the people who support this are of course also responsible for it.
How many times do you want to copy this Sermon and set it up?
I’ll give myself a bloody steak my little girl.