Warum wollen Lufthansa-Piloten mehr Geld?
Die verdienen doch schon extrem viel Geld.
Mein Onkel ist Chef eines mittelständischen Unternehmens. Und nicht mal der verdient so viel Geld wie Lufthansa-Piloten.
Die verdienen doch schon extrem viel Geld.
Mein Onkel ist Chef eines mittelständischen Unternehmens. Und nicht mal der verdient so viel Geld wie Lufthansa-Piloten.
Hallo, mein Papa und ich wollen uns bald einen Jaguar F-Type R kaufen. Jetzt wollte ich fragen, mit was für Unterhaltskosten wir rechnen können. Danke schon mal für eure Bemühungen.
Oder muss ich mich wegen der Limits erneut verifizieren?
Ich habe mir einen Koffer von Probeetle gekauft. An diesem ist ein Schloss befestigt, welches ich bereits auch eingestellt habe, aber komischerweise fehlt mir dort der Schlüssel. Jetzt zu meiner Frage, muss man den Schlüssel einzeln kaufen, oder ist der irgendwo im Koffer verstaut, oder braucht man dafür überhaupt keinen Schlüssel? Ps. Danke für Antworten🙂
Eigentlich ist die Chance mit einem Passagierflugzeug zu verunglücken sehr gering. Trotzdem gibt es in jeden Sitzgurte. In der Bahn kommt es gegenüber dem Flugzeug häufiger zum Unglück. Trotzdem verzichtet man in der Bahn auf Sitzgurte.
Salaries are always relative. Pilots have no responsibility and are not necessarily paid for what they do every day, but also for what they need to do in emergency and in exceptional situations.
Thank you for the award!
Why? Because they can. Yeah, sounds stupid, but no one stops her. You say once as an entrepreneur, you want more money. I can’t. You have to work. But as a pilot, you can stalk so you harm the company and that then shows effect or not. Depending on the situation. You can also stalk for it as a normal employee, but the question is who supports you and whether you are not fired
that is already whining at a high level. The pilots already earn 6-digit. Micro union like the GdL also, where the locomotives earn much less.
Cockpit union. I don’t have to fly.
Kerosin is unfortunately still untaxed & flying too cheap, while we also have to pay for the mineral oil tax, VAT & eco tax on every liter of fuel
Oh, good question. Politicians and informants of the state television earn up to 400,000 euros a year and regularly increase their salaries. So that’s just human and understandable to want a little more. Or not?
In the EU Parliament, the poor politicians must show up personally every day to get a few eurons off the machine. So this is something like a religious ritual, and there are very long snakes in the EU parliament, so that the under-nourished politicians do not starve. So they don’t have to work the day, but they have to stamp the machines so they can get more money. It’s sad!
Politicians still enjoy it. They have great responsibility. But in the case of intendants it is really exaggerated.
What are you not saying? Yes the poor political caste really deserves luxury and prosperity. Maybe I should reconsider my opinion.
I think that is primarily because the pilots have worsened working conditions. Many other airlines pay their pilots much worse and that’s why the strikes are just afraid.
I can understand the pilots.
Because you’re lifted
They have to earn well. How else should they pay back the extremely high training costs of over 100,000 euros?
They get more than enough and Lufthansa is paying for the training.
Noe, but there is a financing model with a loan over a third party.
Ok thanks for the info