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Got a ca. 7 months old puppies, which also wants a lot of games, but needs their sleep, and the neat that are recommended for puppies in 18-20h there is not reasonless and is also important for development and health, we are still working on bringing her to rest faster, she comes from animal welfare and had apparently enjoyed no education before, which is why it is now also decent work, but we were also aware of animal welfare.
She’s a young dog with a fluffy head, but you have to be hard-working.
Of course, she also plays every day, is allowed to die with the other puppies in the neighborhood, but you also have to work actively on when to play and when not.
After tired comes doof, you say, this is very good for dogs, especially puppies.
Of course, they want a lot of games, but there you have to work as a holder on it when playing time is over, a puppy wouldn’t sleep enough can develop strong behavioral disorders and can also be more susceptible to illness, and permanently harm the development.
If they want this, it’s a good sign. They just need movement. That’s good for them. It would be nice if people were moving so regularly. This promotes health.
That’s not true. Only people think that.
Not all dogs. It always depends on age. My shepherd wants to play as an example more often.
Which one? My dog never plays. Maybe wrongly shaped.
Jo, mine’s so little Romanian. She needs more. Only safety and food.
Right. I also have a Romanian. Couch potato ▼ However, a delicate fresser and very slim. Does your little Romanian eat well?
Waaaah! 😆
Adaptil, okay. Thank you.
Me and Link! Simply enter collar dog fear. By Adaptil. It will be more expensive every year. I’ll buy it at Amazon. Also set a picture. So from Buddy.
Crazy. Send a link, mkay?
No. This contains pheromones that are replicated by the mother. Works great!
What collar? Spray the valium when it barks
I put a picture of my answer. Many are similar. I call the Trottoir Romanaise.
Oh, good for you! Mine is a frightened bunny. But after eight years we have a strong bond and he feels he can trust me. For New Year’s I always buy a special collar. A blessing!
Now. Has thyroid underfunction. With half tabl. Fortyron in the morning and in the evening she is much more relaxed, has more appetite..
And she gets “Calmin” drops. New Year’s Eve was very good.
My bitch wants her rest. It’s also my bitch.
You have puppies?
You want that?