Warum wollen Autohersteller mehr Geld für Teile haben als die Nachbaufirmen?

Viele Nachbauten kann man ja auch verwenden die es genau so tun und billiger sind. Die Hersteller original Teile sind viel teurer als die Nachbauten.

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2 years ago

For this, you have to define what you mean as a post-construction company. Often it is the suppliers who also supply the parts to the factory. Their prices with margins of 40 -80 thousand parts per year are therefore crucial and important for the supplier’s cost coverage.

Amazing quality is the magic word. Clearly the manufacturer requires more than he has on the one hand the total logistics with transport costs to carry the storage and shipping costs to the end consumer or wholesale / intermediate dealers such as car house etc., which is hit on the parts and the storage costs of the car house plus x = the merit that everyone wants.

In addition, much more often enough, the development work has been done and he wants to earn something. Furthermore, it also guarantees the quality of the product, which many of the post-productions of China would also have to do theoretically, but often do not do enough.

Try to claim a China product from the net. Then even the rice bag that fell. the attempt alone can at best radiotone at an intermediary but rarely enough.

If you were desolate what the vehicle manufacturer would really pay for the respective part of the supplier, you would probably turn through I can say from the sewing box that it is about 500 % and easy even once 2500 % and more are what the manufacturer is often enough on it. a vehicle seat which is bought for example for something around the 135 Euro by the manufacturer costs quickly 2500 to 3500 Euros as a spare part.

In this way, the millions are generated by e.g. the development of products whose trials up to series maturity and the operational strength checks, which are partly determined by the legislator, are costing.

These costs often do not or at least do not cost a subcontractor for the post-construction projects and can therefore also offer them cheaper, with the still a considerable profit bonus.

2 years ago

The conclusion is that parts of auto-industrial supplier companies seem to be much cheaper than those of car manufacturers. The problem is only: even automotive suppliers cook only with water and have to earn money. quality costs money,

Moreover, the vast majority of us will not be able to assess to what extent the quality of a retrofit part is even keeping pace with the original part.

With cheap parts you can grab the toilet if this is only an exhaust that is fast rusted by sheet metal seams like in the Grand Canyon, but in safety-relevant parts the fun stops. I know of a case where the supposedly cheap rear brake disc broke and damaged the brake caliper.

In the end, two new brake discs and two new brake pads were needed because they were only to be exchanged in pairs. Very well saved!!!

Otherwise, it looks like a manufacturer for wear parts better quality offer. These can be quite more expensive than the original parts, but expect higher durability. The manufacturer Meyle is especially to be mentioned here, supplier e.g. for high-quality chassis parts such as support joints/track rod heads.

MEYLE suspension available in online shop | Motointegrator

2 years ago

The cardboard with the inscription of the car manufacturer is very expensive…

2 years ago
Reply to  Tacheles88

and the bags first.

2 years ago

What “manufacturer original parts”? The Allermeiste for a long time also only cover the car companies from suppliers, pack them into their own cartons and bags and sell them much more expensively.

It works for them as long as they pay people to the dealer.

2 years ago

The third-party parts that can keep from quality, fit and customer service with the OEM parts are often not even so much cheaper.

2 years ago

And so is it

With cheap parts you can grab the toilet if this is only an exhaust that is fast rusted by sheet metal seams like in the Grand Canyon, but in safety-relevant parts the fun stops

2 years ago

A car manufacturer does not produce the parts themselves, which come almost exclusively from suppliers.

When I look around my car…light machine from Denso, spark plugs from Bosch, belts from Dayco, wiper blades from Valeo, air filter from man filters and so on…