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Doesn’t something work, just what?
The most relevant what cannot work in a city
the Öffis, it’s hardly any better.
Private transport definitely has too little space, this is already happening at the B100.
The city administration probably has too little money.
The communication between citizens is excellent, including adult immigrants. Who is able to say hello has hardly any problem
Summa Sumarum.
I don’t see dysfunctional as given.
Yes, in my opinion, many German cities are better than Berlin, but Berlin is the biggest in Germany, who likes metropolises is certainly well-resolved in Berlin….
Dit is Berlin.
This is simply the attraction without the chaos Berlin would not be what it is. Government seat and at the same time MultiKulti messy city.
Boah and funny things for actions that always do. For example, the cool repetition to fire the dishes once.
Or spending tax money on things that are totally hip
Combination of broken, and wrong approach/ideology.
and are other German cities really better?
Yes and no.
There are few good German cities that work better, but the general trend is the same everywhere.
So Hamburg is not a model. But in Berlin it is of course public because capital.
As for Berlin:
If, above all, it is governed by ideology and without expertise, then that is the case. But the voters obviously wanted this.
Because left and left rule.
Bremen’s just that shit.
It’s up to the left governments.