Warum wird solch eine Lebensmittelverschwendung betrieben?

Ich habe in der Küche gearbeitet und es waren diesmal wenig Gäste da, sodass 4/5 des Essens einfach über geblieben ist.

Nachdem die Mitarbeiter sich noch in der Mittagspause davon satt gegessen haben, sind dann Eimerweise die ganzen Lebensmittel entsorgt worden.

Auf Nachfrage von mir wurde gesagt, es gibt Hygienevorschriften, das Essen dürfte nicht mal mehr am selben Abend oder nächsten Mittag erneut angeboten worden.

Es gab Kaisergemüse, ein Gemüseeintopf mit Kasseler, vegetarische ( also kein Fleisch ) Currywurst. Die Currywürste gingen schnell weg aber vom Kaisergemüse waren noch mehrere kg über und beim Gemüseeintopf waren es bestimmt 10 Liter.

Ganz ehrlich, am liebsten würde ich mich wenn es wieder warmes Wetter ist im Sommer, am Kanal hinstellen, bisschen Geschirr mitnehmen, und einen kleinen Obulus von 50 Cent oder 1€ nehmen für meinen Aufwand und das Geschirr , damit das Essen nicht in die Tonne landet.

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2 years ago

Yes, this is actually due to the hygiene rules that have to be adhered to. Otherwise, the operation can get problems with the health care office and be closed in the extreme case; at least, however, a fine will be due if it is violated by these rules.

How sensible the rules are is on another sheet. But your operation can’t do that.

2 years ago

It was wasted. And rule. You can’t do anything. I’ve had to look at this. There’s tears coming. It doesn’t use anything: this is the law.

The owner has earned his costs and he pays his bills. The rest doesn’t matter.

Yes, it is barbaric indeed. But what do you want to do?

2 years ago

This is also very uneconomical.

2 years ago
Reply to  komanwe

If a meal is out, it’s out. For this, fast food is offered that is quickly prepared.

2 years ago

The guest will have a look.

2 years ago

I guess your kitchen manager doesn’t seem to be able to calculate correctly. If you throw so much away.

Then hit him to invite homeless people to eat.

And in the rubbish the remains do not have to., there are certainly also farmers near you who could feed it to the pig.

2 years ago
Reply to  Strolchi2014

There are certainly farmers nearby who could feed it to the pig.

This has been done in the past, but unfortunately it has not been allowed for a long time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Strolchi2014

Hello this is every day like lottery you never know which numbers are drawn or how many guests come. A few years ago in our bakery on a Saturday morning, all the only bread rolls and the multi-grain rolls remained all, otherwise it is different

2 years ago

Four fifths of the food left?

Then the line of the kitchen must be a total Newbie. There’s something more often, but not in such amounts.

This is cash and does not happen in case of reasonable quantity calculation.

2 years ago

Why is such a waste of food done?

The answer was given to you:

there are hygiene rules, the food should not have been offered again the same evening or the next noon.

And that’s good.


2 years ago
Reply to  komanwe

But what about the private households that do not disinfect everything before cooking,

they take their own risk. It’s unnoticed. It is also not forbidden to eat oysters in the sun for 12 hours. But you can’t sell them in gastronomy anymore.

2 years ago

Honestly, I would love to take some dishes when it is warm again in the summer, put on the canal, and take a small trolley of 50 cents or 1€ for my effort and dishes so that the food does not land in the ton.

With the quantities you want to distribute there, everyone has to assume that you do it commercially. For someone who deals commercially with food, the known hygiene standards apply. You’ve already got your first bus money due to a comrade against the rules. Nothing learned from it?

2 years ago

about a third of the foods are thrown away.

With us in the canteen, you have been forced to order a reasonable planning for years.

2 years ago

this is very shameful about the foods, believe me the homeless would kiss your feet at this delicious food

2 years ago
Reply to  komanwe

and I find that very shameful, yet make an excuse for the homeless who would come guaranteed

2 years ago

Injustice, however, regulations

2 years ago

As most have already said = hygiene rule.

Don’t fit your situation, but I’ve been working with Rewe at the service counter last year (meat counter) and there’s a lot of meat thrown away that you can’t imagine. With us it was simply the case : “Omi finds the slice of meat has become a bit dark (completely normal because oxygen came) and doesn’t want it” , “Opi 2 hours later she doesn’t want it” and “Manfred wants it just so little 5 hours later”. And so a super 300g piece of beef fillet lands in the garbage at the end of the day. I can fully understand demonstrating vegans / vegetarians. But in general, as far as food is concerned, it must always be used as a tippi toppi, the day itself. Otherwise it’s garbage. I’ve been too excited about it too often