Warum wird nicht jeder gleichbehandelt?
“ICH” beispielsweise liebe meine Schule und ich werde deswegen im Internet (Auch hier auch Gutefrage) sowie in der Schule gemobbt und auf Twitch als Vaterlos beleidigt worden, weil mein Vater gestorben ist.
Andere Menschen, die Vegan leben oder schwul sind, werden ebenfalls gemobbt oder beleidigt. Ich dachte das der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ein Land ist, wo jeder Gleichbehandelt wird.
In most cases, people are carved to look the mobber strong. They have problems in life and therefore want to be the best, smartest and most popular.
Then there are people who are jealous. You can’t take these things seriously and don’t let you know you’re hurt. They’ll be happy.
It’s about such things and not about countries or any rights.
It’s best to hang out with the people who do you good and not hurt you. You can always get to know new
Meet new ones? Apples? School buildings?
Keep my thumb high was wrong – I want to comment because your remark is a bit stupid. You know exactly what’s meant and you’re asking. Your question top was not error-free either!
People… Can you think or?
If you get bullied, we can’t do anything. You don’t have to try your frustration to get out of other people or websites. If you’re looking for professional help, go to a psychologist. Here you can only write advice, knowledge from your own experiences or guesses.
This is the reason why good question is a SCHLECHTEFRAGE!!
Germany is a country with people who deal with views, prejudices, understanding, misunderstandings and uncertainties as well as people in many other countries.
Welcome to true life
These are your fellow students, the others are outside school.
Combines with our pessimism. He has also brought the envy, jealousy, prejudice, non-government, etc. in addition to showing dangers.
Welcome to reality, kid.
Man is a beast and finds bullying and co horny. And it is unfortunately the fact that if the conditions are correct, JEDER man becomes a beast
Everyone is equal, not treated equally.
But then the bullying victims are also entitled to bully the bulls?
No, self-justice is prohibited
Not relevant
I have a sixpack
By self-confidence.
Is not relevant.
And how do the bully victims fight? But maybe the mobbers do a self-adjustment, because maybe they were a bully victim themselves, right?
They say that’s stupid. Now they feel great, later they have the lookout when they only get bad jobs.
You feel the most comfortable in the sacrificial role. They’re not all the same.