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Because there is no “Corona” but the SARS-CoV2 virus and the permanently mutated, as is known by flu viruses.
You can’t do it now. You didn’t know how long the effect lasted. The promises were hopes, neither.
With the vaccine of Johnson&Johnson, you tried exactly that. However, it is quite difficult to create a reasonable immunity to viruses with vaccination. This almost never works 100% and usually always needs refreshments. It’s just in the nature of the thing.
Have you lived behind the moon for the last few years? As is known, the body will develop its ability to act against the virus over the months, so refresh vaccinations will become necessary.
because this is not possible (so simple)
A vaccine with 100% efficacy or how?
Yeah, right.
Because there can’t be. There is no drug with 100% effectiveness. Since every body/immune system is different
Nobody’s stopping you.
It’s always funny that the vaccine developers on the one hand do nothing and on the other hand impossible.
That doesn’t make much money.
You could sweep competition from the market.
Nevertheless, one would only be able to make some money once. Can’t ask for 500 euros for vaccination. Unlike short-term vaccines, you can request 10x 50 Euro.
But no better vaccine is developed.
If a competitor from Pfizer had the opportunity, he would take them to slap the coal himself.
The pharmaceutical industry wants to make money.
Once is bad for money earning.
Like the cigarette industry, the food industry, the hairdresser, the newspaper seller, your employer…
I don’t understand the argument.
Bullshit. If you had a working one-time vaccination, you would be able to earn a lot of money – because you wouldn’t check the ampoule for 5 euros.
That’s the cartel office.