Warum wird mir plötzlich übel von snus?
Moin als ich die ersten male snus genommen hatte ging es mir immer richtig gut. Dann habe ich irgendwann mal 2 gleichzeitig genommen und musste mich übergeben. Seitdem wird mir immer übel von snus wisst ihr vielleicht warum. Und wenn ja was ich dagegen machen kann
I also think this is a kind of conditioning. The body notices that an unpleasant condition (which could have been dangerous from the point of view of the body) is related to the use of Snus and therefore reacts particularly strongly. Comparable questions, with alcohol instead of snus, are not rare here.
I think there is nothing to force. Trying again and again and again to bring about nausea could even deepen the conditioning. I’d be embarrassed. It usually goes by itself, but takes a while.
The nicotine, you probably had stomach pain too?
With a Sisha or with e zigarettes it is just as if you take too much nicotine in a short time will be bad for you and since Snus contains really much nicotine it is no wonder.
It’s best you try to lay down, after 30-60 minutes, it should disappear.
(Muss the same today, 2 heads smoked and 2x bad.)
Okay. Hope you’re better.
The first times are always the disgusting times (not with everyone, but with non-smoker it is usually so) was with me just as
Take one, it’s better!
What you can do about it: take a lemon, cut it in half. Then one half in your mouth and the other half you do keep.
Habs always done with strong (45mg nicotine)
Hope it works with you
Okay, thanks.
You are really deep in the game hahahahaha but with me the first times were the best I had to eat only when I heard it right after the meal
Yes indeed, take it for almost a year 😅😂
You can also do this or you wait until your stomach is empty
The nausea and vomiting came from a nicotine overdose. Why this is still so, even if you only take one is due to the negative conditioning by the vomiting and these negative experiences. Maybe try another flavor and take it together in a positive set and setting with friends. Maybe you can reconnect snus with positive experiences.
If you eat so much of your sweetheart until you get bad, you can’t eat it for a time.
because this is too much for the body?? so if you drink little alk it is great to you, you drink too much you, only with snus there is nothing to eat
But I’m going to take once again 1 and yet I’m getting sick of what wasn’t like
can be that your body has got shock, I can’t drink cola without getting vodka flashbacks
Hhaha oh man
With me was at the 1 time closing with the witness had 1 inside me got bad the rest you can think
Probably it was too much at once. You can go back from 2 to 1
I’ve done but somehow I’m getting bad from 1
You had a nicotine shock. Don’t take it anymore
Actually it really like to take snus especially in the evening in bed but if I continue to be bad when I take it I stop