Warum wird man von sovielen Süchtig genannt und so nur weil man soviele Drogen wie es geht ausprobieren möchte – entspricht unser Konsum Genuss oder sucht?
Mein Freund und ich sind seid einem Jahr zusammen. Da hat er 42 Drogen genommen gehabt aber er war nie süchtig nach etwas. Ich habe nie ein Problem darin gesehen aber halt in den ersten Monaten hatte ich ein starkes Problem damit weil ich sehr gegen Drogen war. Viele die ich kenne nannten ihn auch Junkie und meinten ich soll Schluss machen. Aber dann einmal war er mal vor mir drauf auf Drogen als ich ihn zum Valentinstag letzten Jahres überraschen wollte. Und dann weil ich sah wie Glücklich er war und wie sehr er über mich her fiel vor Freude wollte ich das auch nehmen. Jetzt hat er 67 Drogen genommen und ich habe 25 Drogen genommen. Jede weitere Droge die er ab da nahm nahm ich auch. Naja nicht alle. Auch einige seiner alten die er mal nahm. Wir bestellen uns jede Droge einmal und nehmen diese bis sie weg ist. Manchmal sind wir 4-5 Tage drauf und keine Sekunde nüchtern. Wir haben auf jeder einzelne Droge Geschlechtsverkehr aber manchmal nimmt er auch Viagra bei Aufputschenden Drogen weil er da einen sehr sehr kleinen Penis bekommt der nicht steif wird.
Und jetzt bemerke ich auch wie sehr man da Gehasst wird. Sobald ich sage das ich 25 Drogen nahm drohen mir meine Freundinnen das ich in eine Entzugsklinik soll weil ich sehr süchtig bin und wenn ich nicht gehe brechen sie den Kontakt ab. Das hat mich da so Aggressiv gemacht das ich sie richtig Beleidigt und erniedrigt habe und ich habe mich weil ich so aggressiv war mich über ihre Selbstverletzungen und so Lustig gemacht sodass sie rückfällig wurde und dann blockte ich sie.
Ich bin garnicht süchtig. Ich habe nie Entzugssymptome wenn ich nix nehme. Klar ein verlangen habe ich manchmal. Aber das halt nur wenn wir uns an Orten befinden an denen ich die schönsten Erfahrungen mit bestimmten Drogen hatte und diese will ich halt nochmal haben. Ich bin durch diese Drogen glücklicher den je. Es bringt unserer Beziehung viel mehr Stimmung rein und man erlebt immer mal wieder heftige Abenteuer was mega cool ist.
Die meisten Drogen von den 25 nahmen wir nur einmal. Also wir bestellten und von der Droge zb immer eine Einheit pro Person (1 Einheit pro Person ist bei LSD immer eine Pappe also jeder eine oder bei Heroin 1g pro Person)
Wir nahmen auch zusammen mal Crystal Meth und als wir vom Meth runter gekommen sind haben wir Heroin geraucht damit wir keine Nebenwirkungen haben. Wir haben uns immer so Abstände gemacht an denen wir die Drogen nehmen die wir lieben. LSD alle 2 Wochen. MDMA alle 3 Wochen. Meth jeden Monat 1x.
Stark stimulierende Drogen nehmen wir mit Heroin immer. Also immer wenn wir runter kommen nehmen wir Heroin auch schneller Pennen zu können.
Heroin nehmen wir nie so wegen dem mit der Sucht und es ist sowieso viel besser Heroin nach Meth zu nehmen.
Das letzte mal nahm ich an Samstag 500uq LSD mit 120mg MDMA und 6g Pilze
Und am Wochenende nehmen wir Oxycodon
Wir wohnen beide zusammen. Er ist Selbstständig und ich habe einen Nebenjob
Ist der Konsum sucht oder Genuss?
Wir beide sagen Genuss.
Was sagt ihr
I didn’t read it now, too much text on the subject.
You don’t have to be addicted to a specific drug, you’re just addicted to a noise. In the long term, this will have consequences, even if you don’t want to see it now.
Let yourself be advised, help you find.
I don’t want any help.
addicted to a noise? Yes, I am. Where I could stay sober for several months, that wouldn’t disturb me.
I just love experiencing adventure with him or talking for hours on amphetamines. This has strengthened our relationship and bond. Also in the sober state. We make a lot of sober together. Archery, fishing, go to flea markets and drive carousel and escape room and climbing park. Everything we can find cool. We have taken this as a goal NOT to do everything on drugs. Only the things we wouldn’t do without drugs.
Except we’re just doing this on drugs.
I don’t control it either.
He controls it. He makes the appointments when we take something, etc.
I don’t know where he’s from. He has set clear rules right at the beginning and also got a balance.
If he’d say that I’m getting no more then I don’t know where I’d get them.
He’d break up with me, too. Even if I go to the drug safe where they’re all inside.
I think I have NO problem. he takes care of me and takes responsibility completely upon himself, he always says
You couldn’t!
I don’t care what you’re doing out of your life, but at some point, the day you’re going to find out what you missed all in your life about it. Maybe you remember your current ideas.
Of course I can. But only if I have to. But I don’t have to.
Of course, many consumers say that.
But why should I prove it to you or to others?
This is unnecessary.
I don’t take drugs every day.
We live a very beautiful life. The drugs are just a side thing in our lives. They’re not our main part. If we talk normally, we never talk about drugs. For days, drugs are not touched ONLY. We usually talk about what we do next. Stop going to the movies or to demos.
I’m addicted if I can’t stop being sober. You’re addicted as soon as you have withdrawal symptoms without drugs.
After 48h, no withdrawal symptoms come if you don’t have one before….
I have contact with many consumers on the Internet. These take far less than us.
But these have a much more unhealthy lifestyle than we do.
We are very lucky together. And that without drugs.
He’s interested in psychology for years. He’s been hitting a lot of people with addiction. He’s worried I won’t be addicted. He cares very much about me.
When we check our blood values let to routine our doctor has said that we have very healthy blood values that are above average good. Like a not consumer. Just above average healthy.
I’m sorry, but if you keep doing this, you’ll be addicted soon. It’s very dangerous as you take the drugs and mix. Even if your friend buys all drugs and gives you the amount, it doesn’t help. You’re still on the best way to get addicted. You don’t have to try every drug. Drugs are never good. They make you sick and destroy your body in the long term. Please separate from your friend. Only then you have a chance to get away from the drugs. It’s not too late yet.
Why should I stop him? That was my decision.
He set me very strict rules when I first took something.
He has control over what and how much I take. He picked up a scale to avoid overdoses.
He also brought Naloxon to prevent opiate and opioid overdoses.
He locked the drugs in a safe so I can’t get it. He never shows me where he’s getting this so I can’t get it and there’s absolutely no one dealer here.
A addiction arises when I do a drug daily over a longer period.
Longer than 3-4 days in a row we take this NIE only until it is gone and on the last day if very little is there we make this in Low Dose for safety. We always leave a small amount when a drug is released from cheerful heaven withdrawal symptoms to substitute with this. But there was never something we wash them down.
He’s absolutely not toxic.
He owes GARNIX. If so, it’s me. I often see girls starting drugs because of their friend. And the friend doesn’t even care. It’s my interest. He’s been thinking about it for a long time. I trust him more than a doctor.
If he says I have a problem then I really believe him.
But if a doctor says it’s just some jelly.
PS: in my other comment stands what a healthy life we lead. Our blood values are top. Our doctor knows we take drugs and we have the blood values of a person who is above average healthy without drugs.
your girlfriends think I’ve only been so worried and behind “omg you are addicted and you need to be withdrawn” I’m worried about you and that you’re slipping off/I don’t think you’re changing/and many other possibilities”
Your friends want you to be good and clearly, on the one hand, some drugs can be tested to scale, on the other hand, you write that you are on it for several days and have also tried heroin, meth and co. this is not even possible every day.
If you are constantly high, your endorphine memories are empty. then you need more and more to stimulate the brain, and if your relationship only consists of drug noise, you are dependent on it alone.
do you the favor and take a break, if you are not dependent, you may easily fall.
how old are you? if you are still under mid end twenty your brain is still developing, that can take stark damage from drug abuse
No. We take a drug we order until it is consumed. It can sometimes be days. We don’t do that with Uppern. We’ll share them.
That was also at the beginning where I started. We took the most. And when the peak was reached, it went down again. Now the low point is reached so we take as little as stillnie. And it gets less and less. We integrate more psychedelics and let others go. I took LSD on weekends and so and still on Sunday hold Oxycodon.
Then no more.
We’re both 20
We take a nootropic agent which is a drug against brain damage in Russia. It acts 1000x stronger than Piracetam. We take it every day. It also acts as a neuroprotective means that it protects our brain from brain damage from drug use.
Okay, so I have to say, I wonder, did you want feedback or just wanted confirmation that your consumption is “good”? You don’t have to answer that or justify yourself, ask yourself, the question is for you.
And my main point I wanted to emphasize is that your friends seem to be really worried, but that’s just how delimitation takes place, because maybe on both sides egos are stronger than that is really listening. Try again with calm communication with them and listen to why and what they have to say. I’m sure you’re very important to them.
It seems enjoyable for you – similar to human flesh from the self-assembled box – to make up history.
Your Saturday dosage (saturday 500uq LSD with 120mg MDMA and 6g mushrooms) is already extremely unbelievable and then – as you say – “on weekend Oxycodon”.
It would be credible if you listed the alleged 67 drugs of your friend and your 25 would be the same. But you won’t be able to…
I’ll give you
Yeah, no, it’s clear. What’s the bullshit?
You took 25 drugs and your type 67?
That’s not how consumption is going.
Oh. 67 drugs would be a addiction? How to be addicted to 67 drugs?
We want to try so much. We always get drugs we never had so that we don’t stick to it.
We take some drugs active. These are also our favorite drugs.
Are you taking some drugs?? Other passive or what?? What are you doing?
Even polytoxikomanie doesn’t count, just not. Where did you get these ideas? Each user has his favorite kicks.
I’ve never met anyone who took 12, 24, 64 or 128 drugs. I think you’re a little fantasizing.
But who once licks the white tastes. And your story doesn’t sound plausible at all. Not within a few months. It is also not that you can fight a scorreturkey with meth or vice versa.
MDMA, Crystal Meth, Spice, Cannabis Speed, , Kokain, Oxycodon, Heroin, LSD, Tilidin, Tavor, , 2CB, Morphium, DXM, , Xanax, Nicotin, Kratom, Alcohol, Noopept , Ritalin, 1,4 Butandiol, Lorazepam , HHC, Etomethazene,Tramadol
For example, I took everything. In fact, this can even be more. It’s probably too. I took most of it once. You know, he’s always ordered 1g for me. Keep the lowest thing we always ordered.
We take some active as LSD every 2 weeks.
Many like Etomethazene, but HHC only once.
So stop until it’s consumed. Never again. And then always take a new drug and take it again, etc.
I’m saying you’re already on the best way to scare in the drug hull. There’s nothing to talk about. Either you pull the tear line right now or probably never again.
He’s been doing this for years. He didn’t happen.
It’s a hobby for us. He knows psychology first. He never tells me where he’s getting.
He doesn’t even show me the sides of garrison. All he’s getting from the internet. He thinks it’s my protection and that he decides what we take. He did the drugs in a small safe.
So he really looks after me. He also took a scale for the first time the next days to avoid overdoses.
He also bought Naloxon zb, so he can measure blood pressure and something. Even so emergency drugs.
He also has a very good knowledge of substitution.
I have no control over when I take what. He decides everything.
That’s all talk. You’re on the way down and soon you’re on the finish.
No. That’s true. He has set clear rules right at the beginning. We don’t take drugs every day.
We have a lot of business.
We’re going to walk with our e-scooters so we’re going to walk. We’ll go 2x archery every week. We also want to go to the fitness studio soon together and that every day 2h except we take something.
We’re going somewhere every week. Zb in the cinema, bowling, climbing park, laser day, escape room.
Every week we go to this or to events. Some in a radius of 150km in larger cities.
Why does drug use always have to be a problem?
We live very healthy.
We also actively take heart, liver and kidney protection based on plant. This is supposed to minimise the damage from the drugs or even leave them completely. We believe that we do not get any damage. We also take nootropics, which are prescribed in Russia people, the brain damage was caused by alcohol and drug use, strokes or car accidents.
Can you give me a few reasons why this is a problem?
I don’t see a problem. You don’t understand why we do that. That’s the thing. Things people cannot understand are condemned.
This sounds excessive, addictive and self-destructive to me. A really risky consumption behavior.
I don’t know what to write. It’s like you’re going down a cliché book.
Your personality already changes, you become hurtful, firs, isolierst you, go home with how much drugs you have taken…
I hope you both pull the tear line before something serious happens to someone. Also, because drugs can be armoured.
I’m seriously worried. Please look for a search consultancy and let yourself be advised.
Well, I don’t think I’ll happen. We make this a year.. He has set clear rules right at the beginning. We don’t take drugs every day.
The comment is copying but I update it for you something.
We have both made blood values a month ago, especially because his and my blood values were not so good a year ago (we have the same doctor and let us decrease blood together)
And our blood values have become very good due to our diet.
We feed and also very healthy.
5 days a week we feed vegetarian. 1x with fish and lots of vegetarian supplements and once with meat. We often choose pizza. We have the power of decision.
We also take very many dietary supplements because we have let ourselves be motivated by a researcher who believes I take hundreds of tablets a day because he is sure he could then become over 150 years old.
We have a lot of business.
We’re going to walk with our e-scooters so we’re going to walk. We’ll go 2x archery every week. We also want to go to the fitness studio soon together and that every day 2h except we take something.
We’re going somewhere every week. Zb in the cinema, bowling, climbing park, laser day, escape room.
Every week we go to this or to events. Some in a radius of 150km in larger cities.
Why does drug use always have to be a problem?
We live very healthy.
We also actively take heart, liver and kidney protection based on plant. This is supposed to minimise the damage from the drugs or even leave them completely. We believe that we do not get any damage. We also take nootropics, which are prescribed in Russia people, the brain damage was caused by alcohol and drug use, strokes or car accidents.
I read your comments. I don’t think it’s possible to exchange with you. You’re so in your “drugs are harmless, yaaaay” movie and frustrated because you don’t get permission here…You don’t want to hear other arguments at all. You don’t take her seriously. You don’t want to hear any opinion, you want confirmation. But we here, the answer, are clear in mind. Your blood values can still be so great, but drugs also attack the brain cells. You’re getting more and more dismantled and more stupid. But because you’re trapped in the addiction, you don’t notice. And you don’t have to be addicted to a junkie or addiction. And you know that if you were really serious about it. Unfortunately, your friend ruins your life, and you let it go. I hope at least you will be vigilant in time. That’s why I wrote. Hoping there’s something going on. But this isn’t like that, and you’re already in the sog. I’m sorry for you
What else should I do?!??
Let me lie to you and play with you.
You are rather unable to follow a dialogue. I deliver facts and arguments here.you spread ignorance
How funny you are. God you are mega cringe holy sh*t
You just have no idea of drugs. I want to write with people who know about it. Here, however, every male or female or transformer feels addressed.
You don’t even know what a addiction is.
Like I’m addicted. Then I wonder what people are having the withdrawal symptoms. But keep me locked. I can badly ignore people and I’d like to do it with you
I’m sorry for a question you sound like Borderline, right?
I’m honestly proud to have no idea of the addiction. But it is as I suspected – a dialogue is not possible. You just want confirmation. And what your friend is doing is already bound up with criminal behavior. But okay. I’ll finish this and put you on the blocklist. I don’t want to watch you die.
You really have no idea.
According to my friend, these drugs come from sites where there is a safe assessment system. He only ordered the drugs that have very many and very good reviews and many sales. And that’s only verified dealers. It has a very good quality. So the meth. It’s like glass and it kicks in the most extreme.
If you take as many drugs as you take. You really think that has no idea how to order high-quality goods on the Internet. By the way, a trader can only be verified if JEDES product is tested by the administrator. If the % indication fit what is there it is approved. Many traders will be tested punctually or if they request verification. If the quality is not true, it is specified there and confirmed with the aid of an image of the test result.
We get the best drugs on the market. On the street it is impossible to find drugs of such high quality or at least very rare and extremely expensive.
We don’t give ourselves full reconciliation either. We dose it in perfect dosages.
We often get to hear from other consumers how responsible we are. My friend actively deals with psychologists and substitutes other consumers with his experimental substitutes and the very often successful. The people come to him because they don’t want a clinical stay.
He tells them what they need and helps them to order and dosage. He documents everything and often tries to talk to the person about the Internet.
If the people get relapsed then it’s not his problem because the dependent ones knew that he only helps them with withdrawal and the rest they need to create themselves.
Our doctor also knows we consume drugs. It doesn’t bother him. He thinks we are very responsible about it.
I haven’t read the Blabla. As I said, you have no arguments, but only “Pro Drugs”. But one more thing: you pay attention to Saferuse and buy the stuff on the Internet, without guarantee that it is not armored. Then give yourself the badly full reconciliation.
You can be happy now. Yes, the drug addiction.
But do you know what will happen when it comes to consumption? You will die. Or just he and you check what’s going on and go into therapy. You’re getting d caressed in the pear, always far from reality. Then the first drug psychosis comes. Then you walk in the psychose amok and hurt people who have nothing to do with your fucking life. Then one dies.
It’s totally unrealistic, you say. I was already in the psychiatry, at the general station. So no search station because I don’t consume anything. And there wasn’t one single fellow patient who didn’t regret it and had dirt on him. I hope I will meet you both before it is too late;)
No. You don’t give any real arguments.
Even a doctor says our drug consumption isn’t bad because it is very controlled!
Read the distances we take drugs.
Once a month.
We’ll take a dose that goes well. And after 4h, we’ll do the same. That was when the effect stops we eat something and 1h later take heroin which is very pure (white color)
Imagine drug use as follows.
A car. The speed. If the speed is red, you get brain damage.
That means the pointer has to go up. This happens in very active drug use which is very irresponsible. We place a lot of value on Saferuse and dose strictly according to information. We do very little.
But. Once you take a drug, the pointer goes a bit high. After that, he goes back down.
The nootropic we take is specially developed for this. It has a strong neuroprotective effect that protects the brain from brain damage. In Russia there is a stroke, drugs and alcohol addicts and people with car accidents. Also in all areas where the brain was damaged. This also ensures that the speed remains below.
We do not combine drugs with important activities so that they do not lose the stimulus in the sober state.
We are very careful not to gain control over our lives.
Drug use is often combined with certain activities. If you take drugs for years during work then you get the job particularly hard because you were on work only on drugs.
Of course, there’s something you said hang on. Of course, I think it could be true what you say. But then I compare myself with other users from forums.
These take much more drugs than we both and often these 4-5 days are awake on meth without eating garnish.
We are extremely careful with Meth. And we read and before consumption of the drug very much partly 2h. The most important thing we write in the notes. We usually take drugs that are not particularly harmful.
Meth is the only extremely dangerous drug we take. However, we get very pure meth from one that produces it even in the laboratory. The thing is that. I know Garnix about where he gets these drugs. He goes to another room and comes back when it is ordered.
He takes care that the seller has very good reviews.
He also takes great care that I will not be dependent. He said if I’m taking drugs behind his back, he’ll break up with me. He would also go through a withdrawal with me as soon as I would say that I am dependent.
I define a dependency by feeling withdrawal symptoms at abstinence. very strong so I can no longer live without this. I can.
We do a lot without drugs. Amusement parks, cinemas etc. Every day we drive through the area with our e-scooters. We also travel a lot and cook very much and especially very healthy. 5x a week vegetarian then once fish with vegetarian supplements and once with meat something like döner or pizza.
We often talked to other consumers online. We are very proud that we are very well under control. It’s a year like that. There were times when we took a lot of drugs. So in the beginning. Now this is going down from month to month.
It has greatly minimized. Without that we even noticed. We don’t feel that bad. Sometimes it’s less. We want to focus more on taking psychedelic drugs because they are harmless and healthy for them are in the right context.
Since I take drugs I can enjoy life in sober condition better because I realized that if I can be very lucky on drugs that I can also be sober.
If you want to take drugs, you should at least do it with some self-esteem. And above all, not every crap take such a path, I find immature and ruthless. Scatter what you want to achieve with a substance at all. Bsp. With a little bit of meth the performance increases and focuses on being or by shooting H nothing more to get along and fly on its cloud.
Taking your type of drug is more immature and careless.
We dose the drugs strictly according to information and we adhere to Saferuse. He is very experienced in drug use and very intelligent.
We take heart, kidney and liver protection to prevent damage to these organs.
In the consumption of meth, we keep talking and have intercourse.
We take heroin 1h after meth consumption. But we’re still eating. Then we cuddle on heroin and try to fall asleep which is very good for us due to ADHD.
We use a very strong nootropic against the potential brain damage.
We only take meth 1x a month. Heroin only in the consumption of strong uppers if we can’t pennate.
We pay great attention to responsible consumption and do not combine the drugs with activities we always do sobriety.
No drugs and work.
No drugs and hobbies.
Because these things lose the stimulus when you get used to doing this in drug use. Even if it doesn’t matter because of rarity. This is our rule.
Sex and cuddling just because it’s great.
Isn’t it a very reasonable opinion if you’ve got everything under control?
That with the sex we make similar just we also make music
1cplsd is the last scrap compared to the right lsd.
But honestly you’re just looking for druffi of entertainment at night, and that’s why you write something or
We keep intercourse or ticking at the playstation.
Minecraft’s sick on Crystal Meth. On LSD in VR, it’s even bigger. I almost got a bad trip because I didn’t know what this is. Was in that weird cave and then he just came to cry like that and had heartaches. He had to take my arm because I trembled all the time. Were on 500uq LSD, MDMA, mushrooms and he wanted to watch me at Minecraft because he finds it funny because I’m screaming.
(Wasn’t there on MDMA that came until later because the MDMA Comedown pulls down the LSD Trip badly)
That was really bad. 2h I shocked and had still smoked a small pipe with Weed.
I never forget that in my life. I was IN Minecraft. It felt real. How to build down there and run these sounds and this weird effect and that I fall down trap and everything and this thing on me and I don’t know what that is.
He also played Resident evil 7 on a Micro 1cplsd in VR. You have to trust that.
Hello I would like to answer something private, you might have Instagram or something, I would be happy. Dear Greetings 😘 No worries no moral preaching I am close to you emotionally as you believe alos understand what you say very well 🙂
Consumption is not the same
You need to know what you want to try and what to do
Just be informed about your fabrics and look after you