Warum wird man nicht mehr bezahlt?
Geld ist nur Papier und man Geld in Tonnen Drucken so das jeder in Deutschland aus Armut raus kommt Wo ist das Problem oder sind die Menschen dumm und gehen dem System hinter her weil man braucht Bäume und druck maschienen und in über maßen drucken fertig
Prosperity arises only through hard work, so easy it is.
Any speculations with bitcoin, currencies, stocks or raw materials that is shocking and in the bottom a zero-sum game, there is always someone who pays in the end. Wealth from nothing has never worked and will not work.
There have been many redistributive fantasies in history, corresponding was tried in the GDR with communism and socialism. Both have failed in the end.
The current example is also venezuela, which has started with the best intentions, and then the money has been spilled with full hands to the poor. The result is well known today.
Would you like to suggest that the solution for the poverty problem would be to print and distribute money – then everyone would have enough?
Yes you could go to other countries and live there richly where is the problem
The problem is that you need one or two kilos of money to pay a semmel because you don’t want your worthless money bills.
Unfortunately, I still don’t understand the concept you proposed.
You’re paid.
You have a state behind the currency that guarantees you that you get a countervalue.
And if you think there is a better system then explain to me how you, for example, swap a cow for apples without currency and without that one is effectively pulled over the table.
You’d want to sell your computer to me. To pay for it, I’ll take a sheet of the toilet paper roll, write a 1 with 6 zeros on it, and give it to you. And that’s what I’m saying, “That’s also paper, that’s just as much worth” – do you give me your computer?
If not – why not? Money is just paper, as you say.
Yes I would do
Fine, deal. Do you want me to send the sheet of described toilet paper with the mail, or do you want to print it yourself?
You’re paid. And if the state should go out the paper money, you could still pay with card
did that after the Second World War and what did it lead? right, you needed to buy a laib bread.
Then no one would work and you would starve if you were not a farmer
You don’t understand what currencies are, how and why they were created, so no helpful answer is possible.
The question of itself is stupid. Why do you think Danish a little if you ask a question? More money=less value.less value=less purchasing power.