Warum wird jeden Tag zig mal nach Krieg gefragt – ist das Zufall oder absichtliche psychologische NATO Propaganda?
Ständige Wiederholung ist ja ein Mittel der Psychologischen Kriegsführung (Propaganda), je öfter man dasselbe liest oder hört, denkt das Gehirn, dass es wahr wäre.
Wenn man also ständig Fragen nach krieg hört, denkt das Unterbewusstsein irgendwann es ist tatsächlich Krieg und man kann dann Ängste und Sorgen entwickeln. Angst ist das allerwichtigste Mittel um Menschen gefügig und gehorsam zu machen.
Kann es Zufall sein so oft nach Krieg gefragt wird (eine fach mal bei GF “Krieg”, oder “Weltkrieg” in das Suchfeld eingeben und den Filter auf 1 Woche oder 1 Monat setzen) – oder könnte das auch absichtliche NATO Propaganda von dafür (und andere Themen) aufgebauten Accounts sein (Online-Troll-Armee)?
You recognized it and answered your question yourself. To do this, the question should always ask who does this use? (who deserves it or has other advantages)
It is also significant that there is no more peace movement in Germany. Demands for peace negotiations are referred to as “right extremes”, which is hardly to be overlooked by absurdity. Such moral rejections can only be achieved by propaganda and brainwashing.
That’s exactly what I see. I wonder how almost everyone here is for or against any political side – but almost nobody for peace.
And that in Germany… actually should and should be a model for peace.
Submission is not a peace.
There is no subjugation and no natural hostility between peoples or people. In my opinion, this is all artificially generated by secret societies (and today also secret services). Above all belong together:
Warren Buffet (multibillionaire):
“There is class war, right, but it’s my class, the class of the rich who leads war, and we win”
Most questions on the subject are more about Putinpropaganda.
This goes with small things, but with such elemental manifest contradictions only with the fewest people.
That goes regardless of it.
That is why we must not be afraid of Putinpropaganda.
Yes I also suspect that at least part of it is coordinated Russian propaganda to scatter uncertainty and fear. I also see such activities on X and there are certainly also on other social media channels. The whole is part of the hybrid warfare of Russia.
Many questions are certainly also Putintrolle, who have the task of frightening a nuclear war to undermine the will to support Ukraine. Greetings to Petersburg.
An informational war of the troll is also not to be overlooked.
That’s more Putin’s role…
Why do you actually write about Nato propaganda and not Putin propaganda, because from this corner comes the constant hurling of war fears, most recently by releasing the new medium-range missile to Ukraine. In Germany there is a transgenerational war trauma, because our grandparents have suffered under the effects of the last world war. Many people have not forgotten that this war has gone out of Germany and feel committed to the slogan of the years that German soil must never return to war. However, I am convinced that the 2nd. World War could have been prevented if states like the United States and the United Kingdom had previously reacted militaryly. In this sense, I believe that history is repeating itself. Our fear of extending the Ukraine war can lead precisely to this if we do not act decisively enough.
That’s exactly what I see.
Sorry, but I didn’t really understand what you’re trying to tell me…
How high is your TV consumption?
What do you mean? If you mean how well I can inform myself about sender of the ÖRR, I can only say that I feel adequate and reasonably objectively informed.
Exactly. Russia broke it. And not just those.
That’s what you should read.
Of course I know minsk I around II. Minsk I’s main objective was a limited ceasefire, but it was quickly broken again. In my opinion, the objectives of these agreements were never acceptable because Putin had completely different plans, at the latest when his gefolgsmann poroschenko lost power. Suddenly, according to the Russians, only nazis were in power.
That could be the core of the problem. Have you ever heard of the Minsk Agreement in this matter? (I and II)
Because the number of wars has reached a highest level. Currently, every sixth person lives in an active war area worldwide.
This has nothing to do with propaganda.
If there are many wars in the world, there’s nothing to do with propaganda? It is exactly the opposite.
putin will thank you.
I never said wars had nothing to do with propaganda. Of course, propaganda is part of the war.
I have said that questions from GF users are not a war propaganda, but are fears that have their cause in the great number of wars.
And that’s exactly the target of the little Russian dictator’s ass. That’s why his trolls do this every day.
And NATO is so weak that it cannot even prevent it in a small German forum? What does it look like on large platforms all over the West?
Wouldn’t it be wiser to be equal to peace and to fight against the NATO military – if nothing can do?
Everyone is for peace. How this peace can be achieved and should look at the end, these are the crucial questions!
On the one hand, this is not the task of Nato, on the other hand, it doesn’t matter.
You won’t believe it, but also on dirt-oiling like x are Putin’s troll on the way.
Besides Putin and his scissors, everyone is for peace.
So that Putin will have free lane. No.
How do you get on the narrow board?
Your unspeakable comment suggests that you are a possible victim of the media. The daily sprinkling is formative.
Your accusation is probably based on any arguments, right?
What are these fleas? Who’s the military? The Nato? The UN? The Minister of Defence?
At least Putin’s military rather not.
Yes, the military is for peace through continuous war, as you can see in human history…
You have not yet understood it, so we NATO states are on the direct path towards a military confrontation with Russia. See my last question ☝️
No, the little Vladi doesn’t dare. He doesn’t even make Ukraine.
Well, then…
This is only in Obergopnik Vladimir and his servants.
I don’t care, I won’t be available to the Bundeswehr, no time for such “War Games” 😎
Wouldn’t it be better for peace and war than to constantly ask for war and promote it?
“We have to be wary again!” 👍 (Bobele Pissoiris, SPD)
No, we’re not. And if the war is over faster than Putin can say “Atomrakete”…
For who, for Putin and Russia, or for Germoney?
CityWalker, Russia can reorder its terrorists at any time, pay repairs and then is peace.
Instead, the Kremlin sends massive scribes, who give rugged tips here in the Western forums and make the fear that “the NATO leads us to war”.
Members who are younger than two months are striking Kremlintreu – how could that come from??
Huh? What’s the question? He might be over for everyone? Just a thought…
Thank you for your approval.
A usual greeting (welcome as well as adoption and congratulations) in the Erzgebirge ☝️ Congratulations
What does this have to do with mining?
You interpret too much. The Dödel, all the
squaring, noticed that the U.S. election is around
and this is not the daily rush against Trump
more so interesting. The ministers also hailed them,
now they’ve heard about “world war” and they’ve got this
after – under “World War” they don’t do it, finally
they know each other because they saw Star Wars.
I’m blocking anyone asking for World War,
because unfortunately you cannot filter by keywords.