Warum wird Industrie Zucker als was normales gesehen?
Obwohl er krank machen kann
Obwohl er krank machen kann
Hallo Community, Als ich das letzte mal den Apotheken Schrott zurück gegeben habe, habe ich was anderes mit auf den Weg bekommen. Das war zum Großteil natürlich auch wieder scheiße weil die da immer iwas drauf machen. Aber es war eine gute Blüte dabei die davon nicht so viel abbekommen hat. Die war ziemlich groß…
Oder nur Coca-Cola, Fanta und Sprite?
Hey Ich hatte im Juli ungeschützten Sex die Person ist damals aber nicht in mir gekommen. Ich war danach auch gesund Heute hatte ich wieder Sex mit dieser Person und sie ist diesmal auch in mir gekommen Die Person sagt sie hat kein HIV und an sich vertraue ich ihr auch. Aber mal angenommen sind…
Also wenn einer jetzt was zu essen macht und eine Soße sagen wir dür spagehti zubereitet und die probiert wegen Salz also mit dem loffel rein geht und es probiert und mit dem Löffel wieder rein geht und danach ich es auch esse kann er Bakterien übertragen eigentlich und was noch alles
Everything’s getting sick. And against sugar (what is industrial sugar? Do you know what sugar is made from?) in dimensions is nothing to say. And whoever moves enough must have a little more of it.
Hallo Doktormythos2, 👋
da Zucker nicht industriell hergestellt wird,
mag ich das Wort “Industriezucker“ nicht.
Haushaltszucker ist Saccharose
und besteht zu
50 % aus Glucose = Traubenzucker
50 % Fructose = Fruchtzucker.
Glucose + Fructose ist auch z.B. in
Obst, Gemüse, Honig, Trockenfrüchten, usw…
💡 Und 👉 ALLE Kohlenhydraten (außer
Ballaststoffe) werden im Darm in
👉 Glukose = Traubenzucker aufgespalten
und der erhöht genauso den 🩸Blutzucker,
wie Haushaltszucker, oder Honig, usw….
👉 100 g Kohlenhydrate = 100 g Glucose
Es ist also logischerweise unsinnig,
nur auf Zucker und Süßes zu achten,
aber nicht auf alle Kohlenhydrate❗️
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Ganz einfach:
Weil nur DIE MENGE das Gift macht.🥳
LG 🙋🏻♀️🪶
Gives a great documentary about “The Great Sugar Lilies“.
We are conditioned from small to sugar, so we want it all the time. The advertising industry has got us under control.
Thank you for being there. Some of the answers that are manipulated are people.
Well, I would at least consider sugar (saccharose) to be normal, since it is obtained from a natural product that is now also not gross in the sense.
Only what is usually understood here on the Internet as industrial sugar, that is in most cases nothing but beet sugar.
However, it should be refined sugar, because beet raw sugar has an unpleasant taste and is therefore not used. This sugar is therefore cleaned industrially and with the molasses, but substances such as vitamins and minerals are also separated from the sugar.
The beet sugar is therefore originally not an industrial product but a natural product. Only the cleaning process from beet raw sugar to white sugar is carried out industrially.
The emphasis can be on. But everything can make sick if you take too much of it. Water can even kill you if you drink too much of it within a few hours. Do you want to stop drinking water or to take water in a healthy environment?
By the way, added sugar can be handled wonderfully by cooking yourself freshly and letting your fingers bake point yourself without sugar and even without sugar substitutes that are not healthy.
There’s nothing to talk about with extra sugar. Sure it is better then to leave completely, but you always want to miss out on everything? Do you never want to be invited to your friends on birthday again and eat a piece of cake because there is bad sugar? Do you never want to go to dinner with friends again because the dishes may contain sugar? I don’t think you want to be a hermit.
I have been counting on household sugar for 11 years. And yet I also make one or another exception and there is something with extra sugar. This is not going to kill me if I take something with household sugar every week, because I don’t have the rest of the year.
Apart from this, human beings have been embossed on sugar for decades, if not even centuries, and this often begins as an infant. And the nine of ten cases sweet to man tastes better than things that are bitter, also lies in our evolution because sweetly said earlier that it is edible and bitter (which would actually be healthier) said it is poisonous. And far away from these urinary instincts, man has not yet come
kuestenflueger is right about the comparison. You could also compare sugar with tobacco, caffeine, marijuana or alcohol. All natural and harmful for excessive consumption.
But in principle it depends on what we learn as children, from which our “normal” develops.
Economically, you can increase the profits with sugar. And profits are more important than a healthier population
If you look for the reason, you can get bad again!
It is the advertising and interests of industry when industrial sugar is presented as harmless.
And because important biochemical relationships are not taught at school. How do people know?
The short form: sugar is a calcium predator that plunders a already weakened body, although the too little sun and vitamin D3 cannot activate enough calcium from the food.
In addition, people are hammered in not taking too much vitamin D3 – that is dangerous. 1000, 2000 IE highest! This is the minimum to survive like this! The daily maintenance dose for healthy adults is 5000 to 8000 IE, but can also be higher. The difference between low and high dosage is as between Fiat 500 and Rolls Royce !
From a nutritional point of view, the required dosage is far higher, thanks to the knowledge of Vit. K2 as a ‘calcium tax’ in the bone is life-saving. Unfortunately, doctors do not deal with vitamins – they prefer lucrative stents when the child has already fallen into the well.
*) Kate Rhéaume: ‘Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: A barely known vitamin as a lifesaver‘
Recommended for the overall context :
Dr. Raimund von Helden: ‘Healthy in seven days: successes with vitamin D therapy‘;
It also has something to do with the western lifestyle, where sugar is constantly available and industrial formulations are added.
Es gibt keinen Industriezucker, weil der viel zu teuer wäre. Es gibt sehr viele Pflanzen aus denen Zucker preisgünstig gewonnen werden kann.
Punk smart wants to shine again. And blows – as always.
What do you mean industrial sugar?
Industrial sugar is all types of sugar which are produced artificially from sugar-containing foods such as sugar beet by refining processes.
For example, white household sugar is such an industrial sugar. It is called sucrose or cane sugar. Cane sugar is called it as it was originally made from the sugar cane.
https://www.nachhaltigleben.ch/food/warum-industriezucker-krank-making-can-and-recommendable-alternative-5226#:~:text=industrial sugar%20all%20sugars%2C%20die,ihn%20s%20saccharose%20or%20cr sugar.
You shouldn’t be involved in any misleading terminology! Wrong expressions pollute the quality of thought.
What is “industrial sugar”? It is nothing but dried and purified juice of sugar cane or sugar beet. A natural product.
Sugar can make sick if you eat too much of it. This also affects honey, and even fruits with its high sugar content.
–> maximising profit
But not all people like sweet. I don’t even contract the added household sugar because I react with the skin extremely. And I don’t like sweet at all, but I always prefer hearty. This is really something sweet there is then in the form of self-baked cakes and I put the sugar down by loosely three quarters if not even more because I just don’t like it so sweet.
I know. But most.
I don’t like it as sweet as it was when I was a kid. In addition, I put value on healthy diet with little sugar.
Because a lot of things can get sick in life. In the case of sugar, it is also important to see how much one takes.
knives can be fatal – everyone has many in the kitchen! and now?
Your comparison with a knife and sugar is totally stupid.
for you perhaps ! others realize that your question is flat-rate.