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With inaccessible beauty ideals you can make good money. A new trend is always invented that makes you look beautiful. First it was fashion to be curvy, so all the breasts and the Po have been enlarged.
Now it’s seemingly again trend to be skinny, so: implants get out again, suck fat and take all kinds of pills, syringes or shakes to take off.
You’ll be perfect enough when it comes to the media. Because then you wouldn’t earn money anymore.
There is a new interesting video of Alicia Joe on Youtube: Why you will be thin enough.
One please to all: Be happy that you are healthy and don’t always run behind any unhealthy trend. If you get older, you’ll get in trouble getting angry with such trends.
Everyone is perfectly imperfect and beautiful as he/she is.
Because it’s normal. Normal=wide mass, usual, in the norm.
Whether healthy or not is not important here, it is about inclusion. And there are many people with “unhealthy” bodies who also need clothes to go to sports, etc.
What is an unhealthy body for you? I see in advertisements etc., namely no unhealthy bodies 🤔.
Once you are not in normal weight you are unhealthy, at least from weight
It’s not quite right
If you are trained, of course not
These are the usual fashion trends, I always sit down with popcorn and look at the spectacle.
because there is a lot of money
it does not mean fashion industry
Always eat something else in fashion.
What “unhealthy bodies” do you see?
People with overweight
And on cramp you only see people with overweight? This is bullshit, the beauty ideal is still most often represented.
In which advertising e.g. or internet
due to woke probably
Because it makes money.