Warum wird heutzutage noch Heroin genommen?
Wie brandgefährlich dieses Zeug ist, dass es Katastrophen, Elend, Kriminalität und Tod mit sich bringt, wurde schon in den 70er – Jahren sehr bekannt.
Wieso wird es heute noch genommen ?
Es ist klar, dass es eine “Flucht” aus einer als unerträglich empfundenen Existenz sein soll.
Aber warum nimmt man dafür ausgerechnet dieses Zeug, wo dessen Gefährlichkeit schon solange sehr bekannt ist ?
(freundliche Antworten, von Usern, die die Frage wirklich beantworten wollen, wären toll … ).
It is probably less known that the majority of consumers do not spray heroin at all, but pulls through the nose as a brown powder. This naturally makes it all but very risky, but the risks and consequences are much lower. In front of all, the dirty syringes fall away and the direct infusion of chipped or overdosed heroin. It’s just my own guess: I think less of a escape from reality than the fact that very heavily loaded people want to “beam” into a more beautiful world for a longer time. As an excuse, so to speak.
2 weeks of smoking is considered harmless among users.
Then compose this probation, that’s more an inconsistency than escape.
You don’t expect that you’re so end-hearted and you’re just unstable.
Heroin or its original form Opium has been taken for thousands of years. Even today, sick children in Afghanistan are still inflated by their mothers with opium vapor, otherwise there are no medicines and the next doctor is inaccessible hundreds of kilometers away.
Incidentally, heroin (only) Disasters, misery, crime and death with him.
The best example is the so-called “original material programs”, in the Volksmund Heroin program or Diamorfin program, which in some German capitals develop their meaningful work under severe dependency sufferers, which make clients workable and thus can be socially integrated again. In Switzerland, these successful programs have been available for around 30 years.
It is possible to fill cemeteries with people who have been on the basis of them with great skill. Some of them already at Teen age. – It’s just gonna get my head shakes, how you can see such a devil’s witness positively…
I belong to the people who have lost a close relative by heroin. In neutral consideration, however, it was rather the ban on heroin, which led to his death.
In addition, at an annual average of 1500 (illegal) drug deaths since the beginning of the swab of the heroin wave in the early 70s, one can calculate quite exactly how large the cemetery should be or how high the morgue could be overall.
I am looking forward to not reading my answer to your explanation, but at this point I can assure others that I had the “good luck in my life” you wanted so far.
Perhaps, in view of my 30,500 responses to drug issues over the course of 14 years of membership of GoodFrage, it is also clear that I do not glorify drugs, but practice a different path of enlightenment than is the daily case with the large number of anti-drug campaigns to date.
I’m sorry. But I wouldn’t glorify the Devil’s “Heroin” at any price. If your relative never had to do with heroin, he would probably still live.
But I’m ending this now, because we’re just turning around and you don’t seem to be open to seeing this Dre…being almost critical.
This is the main problem with drugs – I call them RAUSCHGIFT. – No matter what it does, it is inconceivable, despite all the dirt, misery, destroyed families, fear, depression and the many dead, still considered “positive”.
Please no more answer – I will certainly not read it.
Good luck in your life.
Because it creates a wonderful feeling. And because you believe not to be dependent on yourself.
But it is very well known that you become dependent…
I’ve met a lot of junkies in my life, and I’ve been one for a long time. All junkies try the fabric for the first time because they are curious or because their friends are also on it. And this first time you find it great, then you don’t consume longer time and you don’t even have a great desire for the substance. And then you think you’re one of those who won’t be addicted, because they do. Only about 30% of heroin users are dependent, and you yourself believe to be among the other 70%. Then one becomes overly humble, because one consumes again and again and realizes that after consumption one does not have an unavoidable desire for the next dose. And then the heroin packs his most nasty trick: Consumption, even if it does not often take place, produces quite quickly depressions that occur in the sober phases. The world comes to the consumer when he is sober and grayer, and he does not push that feeling on the opioid, for him heroin suddenly becomes the substance that can redeem him. Then more and more is consumed, the sober phases become darker and darker. And before you look at it, you’re in the school with heroin, and for the first time you realize that you have a problem. Then you want to stop and realize: Goddamn, I’m getting sick, I’m in pain, my nose is running, I can’t sleep, I have panic attacks and I feel terrible and look after the fabric. And so begins a dependence that often lasts for decades, sometimes for a whole life.
When I was a teen, we’re to the nem heroin-seated grass dealer of the ne pottery on a road, a totally friendly and chilled type. While we packed up our stuff, he shot himself. I asked him how he would feel and he answered like a king. I myself never felt like a king, but I would like to know how that is without being dependent on a substance xD
Let the fingers of drugs chiners 😉
Didn’t you worry that he just gave himself that shot, or he wants to get you on it?
I’ve been a little sympathetic that I have to admit, it was once that’s been longing. I was pretty young and the guy was a friend of my then friend. He knew well and knew all sorts of people, always had all the bags full of drugs (my friend). I trusted him and the guy was really cool. He only sold pots and shot himself in the evening;-)
Ha ha xD
Your arms were probably too thin for the squirt, haha
The guy wasn’t the Lebkuchenhaushexe xD
Strong that he has still worked in intravenous consumption. But also that he was still sincere and himself only sold grass, and not to make you dependent. He could have put the grass with heroin to lure you. It’s dangerous if the dealer himself is a Junky
I do not understand myself ♀️, in my opinion all drugs should be banned. Life is only more fucking after that. Drugs will only destroy one’s life, and they can’t do it!
They used to say “noise.” – You should have stayed with that.
Tell me why all drugs should be banned? Do you really think that fewer people consume drugs when they are illegal? If you really think that way, you better think about your point of view, because it’s just wrong.
A legalization of ALL drugs would bring so many benefits. On the one hand, clean fabric could be guaranteed if it is sold in pharmacies or specialist stores. People are always dying of contaminated drugs. Drugs which contain dangerous extenders would be much less in circulation after a legalization than nowadays.
In addition, prosecutions, such as heroin addicts, who have already arrived at the deepest point in their lives, can still deal with the police… To what extent this leads to an improvement in the state of health, I do not think it is at all possible, for people who are already on the ground to be prosecuted is simply wrong.
What I also ask is why drugs are forbidden at all. The state’s response would probably be to protect people… However, we do not need one of us to prescribe what we have to do or leave when it comes to our health. In addition, the state does not prohibit us from alcohol and tobacco (74,000 dead per year in Germany). This, in my opinion, limits the personal freedom of every person.
And the drugs can only destroy life and nothing else is, unfortunately, not right.
Cannabis can help with the following complaints:
LSD can Depression, anxiety disorders, but also in personality disorders and post-traumatic stress disorders Help.
Psilocybin (active ingredient of Magic Mushrooms) can Depression, forced disorders, addiction diseases and other psychiatric diseases alleviate.
Amphetamines Can Symptoms of ADHS/ADS alleviate.
And these are few examples.
There are countless medicines that are abused as “drugs”, I don’t need to explain the medical benefits of this.
Btw, let us know about Microdosing, also interesting