Warum wird Deutschland so verteufelt?

Warum ist Deutschland so unbeliebt in der Schweiz oder Österreich, obwohl gerade im Vergleich zu Deutschland Österreich nicht gerade glänzt. Ich wohne 4 Km von der Schweiz entfernt und finde die Schweiz hat auch einige Schwächen. Viele Obdachlose, Assi-Viertel etc. In einigen Berufen verdient man auch nicht sonderlich mehr und man kann schneller gekündigt werden.

Oder ist der Herr Hitler immer noch dafür verantwortlich, dass Deutschland so unbeliebt ist? Ich finde Deutsche weitaus umgänglicher als Schweizer und bin nicht ganz Deutscher, meine Meinung.

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2 years ago

I do not see that Germany is “debated” in Switzerland and Austria.

2 years ago

Well, Swiss don’t like Germans because of some historical events and because they like to be associated with Germans, although Switzerland is simply better.

2 years ago
Reply to  heyyworld

Generally simply better, have lived in Germany and Switzerland, much less Asocial and something..

2 years ago

You live 4km away from Switzerland, and you talk such a nonsense…

The kind of Germans who don’t want to adapt in any country and believe everyone would have to follow them and expect a small Germany from Switzerland will be very unpopular.

Where are there many homeless people?

In fact, you can get a notice faster than in Germany.

The fact is that Swiss training is more high-quality than training in Germany, so Germans usually earn less than Swiss in comparable professions, but still more than in Germany.

But nobody forces you to come to Switzerland.

2 years ago
Reply to  heyyworld

What are you dreaming about at night?!

2 years ago

That there are many homeless people in Switzerland would be new to me

2 years ago

A lot of homeless people in Switzerland?

the rest you write is so or so bullshit

No one dictates Germany.

We Swiss work very closely with the German companies and come very well together

2 years ago
Reply to  heyyworld

In Basel, around 100 people are homeless and sleep outside or in emergency facilities……… There are currently 7300 homeless persons reported. The number of homeless persons can only be estimated, the city of Cologne informs on request of this newspaper. She’s from 300 to 400.