Warum wird das mit den Tankpreisen immer schlimmer?
Denn die Benzinpreise steigen und steigen…
Warum fallen die Preise einfach nicht?
Denn die Benzinpreise steigen und steigen…
Warum fallen die Preise einfach nicht?
Google Map https://www.google.com/maps/@50.1105067,8.6880133,3a,75y,326.76h,87.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sm8kLOxR9DI9yqqEsGhH27g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=de&coh=205409&entry=ttu)
Was macht das für einen Unterschied? Also zwecks Sound und Leistung etc?
Hallo zusammen, welche Scheibenwischblätter benötige ich? Ich möchte meine alten gegen neue tauschen, allerdings weiß ich nicht, welchen Mechanismus ich für meine Scheibenwischerblätter verwenden kann. Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Was haltet Ihr von der Klimaanlage für arme, die Artic Air (Teleshop)? Hat die jemand?
Hallo zusammen, Im Kunstleder-Sitzbezug des Fahrersitzes (Seitenwange) ist ein Knick mit Riss ca.10 cm groß. Suzuki Swift BJ: 11.2016 , 11.000 km gelaufen . Ist das ein Fall für die Garantie?? Danke für Ihre antworten. Edy
Hallo, Ich habe vor mir auf der Homepage https://odin-gear.com einige T-Shirts für meinen Sport zu kaufen. Mein Kollege meinte,dass es sich um eine rechtsextreme Marke handeln könnte. Stimmt das? Wie kann ich das herausfinden? Verschickt wird aus Kanada. Das einzige was ich im Internet dazu gefunden habe ist,das der Name Odin von den Nazis missbraucht…
How do they get up and get up?
last Monday for 1,73€ (Diesel), peak this year was once 2,30€
Currently expensive 1,75€
Which means again on pre-Ukraine invasion stand
I see them falling and not rising.
Yeah, that’s bad. I remember the gas crisis in 1973. There the gasoline rose at unpaid heights. Up to 80 Pfennige (today 40 Eurocents) had to be paid at the petrol station per liter. There was a giant whining, normal mortals couldn’t pay for caring anymore.
Now we earn more, have three times more cars on the roads and should reduce energy consumption in general.
There is really no need to complain about the higher energy prices. The energy, no matter what form, costs us too little if you take into account the consequences of waste.
So at the moment prices are still clear is not cheap but still ok
I did last for 1.29 euros (Super E5) in Austria. It’s really not expensive now.
Hello? ……where are the jump prices, you drank something, with us Super just costs 1,72€, diesel 1,73€ and Super10 just 1,66€.
The gasoline prices aren’t that bad anymore?
Cut €1.65 for the liter E10
This is where they are sinking – and that has been for a while…
Somehow you’re too late. But I didn’t notice anything about rising prices. Rather on the contrary, prices have decreased.
They haven’t gotten up for a long time. On the contrary.
The increase is also partly politically desired, here is the example of CO2 loss:
The price of gas stations has fallen significantly at the moment. Nevertheless, of course, some corporations are currently quite bulky filling the bags.
If I had a look at the prices again, they have been just over € 1.60 (E10) for some time, we were already clearly over € 2
Funny. Here are the prices 🤷🏻 ♂️
They don’t get up with us.
Because the companies would have less money.
What do you think you have more money or have less money?
Why worse? The situation is currently very relaxed. The cheapest gas station in my environment requires 1.65 for Super. We’ve been over 2 euros.