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1 year ago

Since all the answers were complete bullshit:

In the United States (also today) new recruits are shaved in basic training at the United States Marine Corps (the so-called “Jarhead”).

This has several reasons:

  1. Hygiene and care. Short hair hair hair hairstyles hardly need care and you are also less susceptible to, for example, lice.
  2. Unity. You want all the recruits to look the same. You want to erase any individuality, even beyond the uniform. If all have the same haircut, there are hardly any unique features.
  3. It is also a kind of “hard test”. There are recruits who, as soon as they find out that they get the hair cut, immediately stop and quit.

Outside the U.S. Marines, by the way, this is not (more) done, neither with the other partial forces in America (e.g. the US Army) nor, for example, in Germany with the Bundeswehr.

1 year ago

I don’t think it’s done with the Bundeswehr.

In the field, however, it comes very quickly to vermin, so lice, and it could be helpful if you have no hair on your head.

1 year ago

You can choose whether you want to live in the movie – reality or whether you need the “normal” reality.

1 year ago

A baldness does not make sense at Millitär. You have to put on a steel helmet and this is not a fun thing with baldness.

1 year ago

Life is not a movie. You get no baldness in Germany, anyway.

1 year ago

You didn’t look good. Only those who had a bald one got one.

Basically short hair hair hair hairstyles facilitate care.

1 year ago

A film doesn’t show reality…