Warum wird auf Tiktok gerade dieses traditionelle Frauenbild so gefeiert?
Bzw. das traditionelle Familienbild. Die Frau muss früh aufstehen, dem Mann alles in den … schieben, kochen, Kinder, sich ja nicht zu freizügig kleiden.
Halt diese alte Bild, Frau bleibt treu zuhause, Mann geht arbeiten …
Findet ihr das bedenklich? Die Videos kriegen über Hunderttausende Likes und Zusprüche.
Anyone looking at one of these videos will always get similar videos among the next suggestions. In the end, you think TikTok has almost only such videos.
But reality is 0.
I had seen a video with lions who hunted and killed an animal. Then I got every second third video where it was all about the subject. No matter how many times I’ve been wiping, new videos were constantly coming.
you can’t do anything like youtube no interest click?
I’ve done 30 videos, and it’ll take forever until he doesn’t suggest such videos. There’s nothing alone.
What does Tiktok mean? It’s just the ones you teach yourself. On Tiktok everyone can represent what he wants, neither one has to look at any crap or take over the views expressed there.
Otherwise: Our society is increasingly shaping the extremes, where one side of unauthorizedness evolves like gaiters: the opposite side propagates tendencies such as tradwives.
Why not? All the Seine.
What are you worried about? It’s TikTok first. And secondly, every woman can decide whether or not to find this distribution of roles. If no one could live like that, we would have exchanged only one ideology for another. If it is preached today that every life design has its right to do so, you shouldn’t spill the cucumber over the classic life design.
It’s superb – what is there to mecker.
Are you serious?
Just like your irrelevant descriptions of today’s female existence.
Many Muslim believers – corresponds to their ideal image.
Right/conservative persons – corresponds to their ideal image.
It is already an incisive event for the men’s world that no one will take their dirty work off.
As long as this is done voluntarily, nothing speaks about it, there would not be the fact that men in the midlife crisis like to replace the wives with younger ones.
Then the wife is there without a job because she has neglected her own career of the family because of her or cannot have any professional experience.
Pensions are also only available in a small way.
That’s what the women think twice about whether they’re getting involved.
Right. Now is much better where both are exploited and still get no pension.
Why are both exploited and don’t get a pension?
Both have the same chances now?
Up to now, the advantages were clearly on the side of men.
It’s a countermovement.
At the end of the day, everyone still has to decide.
Please also consider that Tiktok does not reflect reality. Specifically, certain agendas are cleaned and behind these whole likes there is not automatically a human being.
Unfortunately, the comments show that these are real.
This can also be bots. You know that there are such farms.
They’re not bots, you know.
because on tiktok it’s just dumb
you should not flatten there are also reasonable people on Tiktok
no there are no reasonable people on tiktok – there are the trottels who post there and the dumbos who see the mist even sold as reality.
but you can. no reasonable people looking at tiktok müll
But you can’t flatter it, some just look at it to not feel lonely or because there are people who understand one.
Many women realize that they do not want to work so much and do not want to give their power at home. And the men find it great if they have to work, but if this is rewarded.
Strangely, I find the statement that the woman is up early. I’ve never seen the woman standing up earlier than the man.
But to make the man the breakfast, accompany the children to school or make them breakfast, etc.
The budget as not so much work to be described is sometimes marginal … that is a lot of work that you do not see :3
Budget used to be a lot of work. Before men found the electric stove, washing machine, dishwasher, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner and ready menus. Today a household is by far not so much work. I can judge this relatively well because I have managed a household with two children for seven months and worked 94%.
I confess I was surprised how little this is to be done. My wife used to moan whenever she had to do laundry. This takes 5 minutes to do the laundry for three people in the machine. 10 minutes to hang them up. And another 10 minutes to take them off and hang them up. And that at most once a week. You can’t talk about hard work.
You have something more to do with small children. But that’s not the problem. The problem that the dissatisfaction of many women comes from is that they often have little contact with other adults, especially mothers. The world of many mothers is quite demanding but isolated. That is why I think it is important that women are also integrated into professional life, and that is only for 1-3 days a week.
The women who do this are just diligent.
Yeah, that’s it. If a woman is to throw the whole household alone and still care about her children, this is almost more work than if the man goes to the construction site from 8-16 (as an example) and then can turn off in the evening.
Especially when there are children he does not want to take care of, but who are a full-time job, in addition to the rest of the housework.
Many women get a wrong, romanticized picture of how it was before. They don’t see all the problems, so it looks great to leave the whole stress of work.
The dependency of the man that you can’t leave a bad partner that you get at least that you have to beg the man for money because of everything – such things will not be considered
And because of the financial dependency, it’s all the harder for them to separate when he turns out to be a disgust. And because of a lack of work experience, you find a job hard.
Everyone is free, but the disadvantages must be remembered.
What’s wrong with that? That’s better than women who had 50 guys, nothing in the household (putting, cooking, etc.) can hang around on Instagram all day.
Tiktok stop. Always past reality