Warum will VW Leute entlassen und Werke zu machen?
Sie könnte doch auch “andere” Geschäftsfelder aufmachen und die Leute da nutzen?
Aber da fehlt der “Wagemut”? Der Spirit fehlt da?
Finde ! Auch den Designer von VW sollte man mit unter mit Fliegenklatsche hauen..
Könnt Ihr Euch noch ein neuen VW leisten (Auto fürs Volk)? Also ich nicht! und warum auch? wenn man beim Asia Mann in gleicher Qualität, das selber bekommt, zu besseren Preis, und mit besserer Elektronik wohl, und besseren Design…
Unfortunately, the management of large corporations usually counts rather short-term, measurable successes with which the owners (i.e. the shareholders) can increase the value of their shares. This often means that long-term developments are being followed only half-heartedly. In the case of e-mobility, this is also a development prescribed by the State. I believe that the demand for decline in subsidies has been expected.
Employees of course also have a very strong union that has created so good working conditions (35 hours/week, salaries far above the average, bonus payments, pensions,…) that ensure that the products become significantly more expensive and thus the demand decreases…
Yes, absolutely correct! In the production plants that are no longer needed, they could build picking mills for their employees that are no longer needed. That would be too good for everyone.
they are doing the work today and in 3 years you will make it up again…what will be destroyed for resources…this infallibility from managers there….is enormous…
These are Christians who believe in the resurrection!
By leading obedience, the managers, with unripe electric carts, have put on the wrong horse.
This ID 4 and co ! are not so bad…the particular one is missing….what VW still uses today is the nail in the head with many, so “status symbol” that pulls still..but otherwise…Borders become less….
I’ll see the big rehearsal on the e-used cars! There is an electric car expensive and incalculable… what if after 10 years battery is defective, then huge costs are not so…These are so stupid that they don’t get a hand! Don’t know how the little man thinks! Make the batteries cheaper, and absorb risks, then e-cars sell better…that don’t take them!
perhaps not wanted politically…?
They have put their full emphasis on e-mobility. As desired by the EU and the Federal Government. E cars are too expensive without subsidies. They were deleted. Now VW and other companies say: Here are the employees who no longer match sales, your problem.
Aha very interesting
How many E car types are available at VW and how many burners