Warum will sie mir folgen?
Ich werde seit einem Jahr gemobbt. Meine Eltern haben jetzt das Gespräch zu den Eltern meiner Mobber gesucht. Es gab auch einige Lehrergespräche. Einer der Mobber will mir jetzt auf Instagram folgen. Warum? Soll ich annehmen?
I wouldn’t accept it.
Because what can she want? She probably doesn’t want to apologize.
I would not take care of you and your request.
Good luck!
I wouldn’t accept it.
Oh, great, you want to leave a mobber to your Instagram account?
As long as he doesn’t show himself close to you that he can really do something with you, I would never and never accept that.
Why he wants to follow you – talk to him. Ask him, maybe he’s lying, be careful.
I wouldn’t guess to accept them because usually such things could be used against you. You don’t have to give them to you. I hope you’ll get rid of this mobber soon.
I don’t think it’s gonna be a stalker.
so he has more contact surface for the mobbing. do not accept the request.
It’s one.
then hold it. she sure makes screens and sends them to the others and they make fun of it
she doesn’t know
Didn’t even post something on Instagram.