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1 year ago

Other angles: let it be easy for you until a concrete reason falls or becomes aware…

…and then only for the species for which this reason applies (e.g. does not want to be stabbed gälte for mosquitoes but not e.g. for inexperienced pile flies and sprinkle on the wall…. – the latter were even helping to get rid of the former…)

…and set them out without prejudice – vllt. then eat too expensive at some point… ;o)

1 year ago

I don’t think anyone can answer that.
Fear of insects and spiders, a phobia.
Maybe it’s just a quick start when something crawls or flies around in the room.
The problem I always have with mosquitoes in the room, if you want to sleep, you always hear them humming >.<
Maybe they just disgust you, give you dozens of reasons.

1 year ago

Maybe you’re Chinese and want to eat them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hunuj9iiij

It’s getting really hard.

Wow, you were really looking for a Misson.
I have nothing against spiders, but they already have their advantages. They usually come if you don’t expect it and have been there for a long time if you want to prevent them from coming. 🤭

Didn’t you just ask how to find the networks? I answered you.

I have made very good experience with this spray.

My bedroom borders a forest. Positive? Always mega fresh and pleasant, even on days like today 37.5°C

Disadvantage! There are really many small mosquitoes + animals coming in. Sure can make a net. Keep windows closed and so. I still like to open them.

I could recommend this spray.

I spray it about 2x a year into the corners or completely around the edges of the windows outside. That works very well.

Actively I don’t spray spiders, though that’s supposed to go too. I usually take a glass and put it out.

Some also use the vacuum cleaner. 😐 Something sadistic maybe. They usually don’t hurt us. You’re more good, catch all kinds of garbage.

Let me think, I only saw one today. Yes in the hall. She’s spinning her net and catching so little flies. Let her do it:) is cool.

Ansich is even a good sign if you have spiders in the apartment. 🤷

We just learned – they’re disgusting.