Warum wiege ich so wenig?
Hey ich bin 30 und 1,73 cm groß. Ich wiege immer schon um die 63-64 kg. Seit dieser Woche habe ich ein paar Probleme mit dem darm gehabt mit mehrmals am Tag Stuhlgang und auch sn und zu Durchfall. Gestern war ich noch auf ner Party und habe erbrechen weil zu viel getrunken. Heute morgen hat meine Waage 61,9 kg angezeigt. Könnte das normal sein?
This is a normal weight. Don’t worry. There are people where the weight varies greatly. It’s normal with you. Villeicht brought you an infect and next time not drink so much;)
if you still have to ask
love greetings:)
Thank you
No, you don’t weigh much. That’s a normal weight. I’m 175 cm tall but I have the same weight as in your case. Don’t worry about it. That can be normal.
Hello with you is still all right, this is probably due to the intestinal problems where you had, but when your weight should continue drastically sink then go to the doctor
I think you have a normal weight. So no reason to worry.
Just take care of me because I had over 63 more than a week ago. And since this week I liked this problem
Then you know what it is.
If you had diarrhea and probably eat less or nothing, it’s normal.
It’s okay
I am 1.84 and weigh only 64-67 kg
because I’ve been sick since week I’ve been weighing only 62 or so, but even that’s still clear