Warum werden vollautomatische Parkscheiben so wenig genutzt, Haben die Nachteile, Ich sehe kaum welche in den Autos?
Warum werden vollautomatische Parkscheiben so wenig genutzt? Haben die Nachteile? Ich sehe kaum welche in den Autos?
Warum werden vollautomatische Parkscheiben so wenig genutzt? Haben die Nachteile? Ich sehe kaum welche in den Autos?
Habe eine 5er bmw 520d 2014 musste nie AdBlue nachfüllen und wurde auch nie geschrieben das ich ad blu nachfüllen muss dachte es wäre vielleicht rausprogramiert. Heute wollte ich Pickerl machen hat er das steuergerät ausgelesn und festgestellt das adblue heizug defekt sei. woran könnte das liegen? ist die heizung jetzt wirklich defekt?
Hallo liebes Forum, im Anhang zu sehen Bilder des Rückscheinwerfers. Meine Frage dazu. Wäre das ein Garantiefall? Wegen dem Wasser im Scheinwerfer oder ist das noch OK weile es zu wenig Wasser ist? Vielen Dank
Such eine Ersatzteilliste/Werkstantthandbuch vom Deutz AgroXtra 4.57
Hallo, ich habe eine spezielle Frage zum Vorgehen nach einem Unfall: Mir ist jemand in mein parkenden Auto gefahren, weswegen mein Auto repariert werden muss. Normalerweise wäre es ja so, dass ich nun entweder für die Zeit einen Leihwagen bekomme oder eine Nutzungsausfallentschädigung. Da es mit einem Leihwagen aber schwierig wird, da dieser zumindest Handgas…
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Fragt nicht wieso ich Holzkleber auf Kunststoff geschmiert habe, ich hatte kein anderen!
Good evening, automatic parking discs are simply not permitted. There’s a standard like a parking disk to work and look. You always come to the blue version of cardboard. In other variants, you risk a car.
That’s not true.
I was informed before buying my electronic parking disk. Mine meets all the requirements and therefore also has an e-certificate.
But I don’t want to pinch all the conditions here. But one of them is also the place of attachment in the vehicle.
The questioner asked for fully automatic parking disks. Of course, your variant is also permissible if there is a type-approval for the parking disk. I’m referring to running parking disks. In the case of the cardboard discs on the safe side, there is always a suspicion of manipulation in the space in electronic parking discs. That is why I do not recommend them.
Some things are simply completely sweatless. The at least 10 euros to invest to save a handle is simply silly. And waste of battery.
And how am I supposed to make it clear to the thing that, in the evening after the end of the official parking hours, I should drive to my car park, stop it as arrival time at 9 a.m. the next morning?
For this, my one button that works for a few seconds after arrival and then deactivates.
Otherwise, it would not be permissible.
I don’t know what that means, “a button that works for a few seconds and then deactivates.”
Backe! There are also those made of cardboard…. With a turntable…. You don’t have to have studied for that first… 😁
If I stop in the evening in a parking lot where I have to stop the arrival time at 9:00.
There my electronic parking disk has a button to introduce the displayed arrival time.
When I stop and take off the engine, the parking disk changes to the time of arrival (park mode).
With the button, I will set the display to 9 o’clock. After a few seconds in the parking mode, this button deactivates and I can’t change anything anymore.
That was a rule to allow her. So that you don’t turn the pane on after hours. This can also not be done with the conventional cardboard parking disk. But would always go.
They’re a few too expensive. I think it’s practical. I’ve used them too and never had any problems.
Some also think that they are forbidden.
However, only those who continue are prohibited.
The approved, however, remain at the time when the vehicle is removed.
On the other hand, a shoe gets out – the chosen model must be explicitly approved.
I only need a parking disk very rarely. So I didn’t feel it necessary to buy me a new one.
Adjusting is also no expense.
It seems to be too expensive for most people.
However, since most parking spaces in markets and shops are controlled here by “disposal warehouse companies”, I find it very practical to simply not have to think about setting.
I’m using this one.
I think it was the first to allow her kind. It works very reliably and is easy to read. I bought her at ATU.
Because the gifted cardboard is simpler, cheaper and faster.
Not all have a permit and which is difficult to recognize. You risk a fine
Needless money output and if you need it, the battery is guaranteed to be empty… were not approved for a while and today only certain models. You can also complicate simple banal things…
I didn’t know there was such a thing.
Because they are forbidden.
They’re not. There are those who are admitted.
and which are not permitted.
When the time is set.
There are those who just go on. So have a clockwork in it.
What are you supposed to be forbidden at all?
Yes, but he’s sure he’s talking about those with admission.