Warum werden Tiere wenn sie tot sind hart?
Hab im Keller eine tote Maus gefunden.. die ist total hart gewesen warum ist das so..
Hab im Keller eine tote Maus gefunden.. die ist total hart gewesen warum ist das so..
Hi. Ein Kumpel und ich haben uns gefragt, ob es möglich ist (wahrscheinlich außerhalb Deutschlands) mit Capybaras, also Wasserschweinen zsm. zu schwimmen? Ich meine sowas wie das Schwimmen mit Delphinen.
Ich war gestern mit meinem Pferd spazieren und bin an einem Stall vorbei, wo ein ehemaliger Stallmitarbeiter arbeitet. Ich habe ihn dort getroffen und mich an der Hof einfahrt mit ihm etwas länger unterhalten. Irgendwann wurde mein Pferd dann etwas unruhig. Kaute auf sein Gebiss rum, scharte mit dem Huf und wollte los laufen. Ich…
Die Natur mit all ihren heimischen Pflanzen und beheimateten Tierarten. Was hätte für dich Priorität emotional oder logisch gesehen ?
Unsere Pferde haben einen Salzleckstein auf der Weide. Neuerdings kaufen einige von unseren Stall Mineralstoffleckstein. Mein Pferd sieht im Gesucht rot aus und ich finde es nicht gut. Wenn ich sage ein Salzleckstein reicht werde ich ignoriert.
Der Titel sagt’s!
Ich habe stockenten und habe ihnen auch einmal vor einer Woche die Flügel gestutzt aber ich weiß nicht wie oft man das machen muss, ich habe auch in google nichts dazu gefunden
We move our Muskens with ATP. ATP is practically the energy currency of our body. All we do what energy needs is regulated by ATP. The musket movement.
Both the clamping of the muskets and the relaxing of the muskets requires ATP. If an animal dies, the metabolism of the body comes to rest. Since there is no ATP anymore, the body now remains as it is, extremely rigid, as a board.
After about 2-3 days, this dead star ceases, for the simple reason that the musques etc. begin to decompose. So now the body can move again.
is of course somewhat simplified, the musket movement is a little more but in the basic principle this is the reason for the dead stars.
Small supplement:
ATP is formed by mitochondria in the body. When ATP is used as energy, ADP becomes from it, which from the mitochondria becomes ATP again, etc.
If you die, there is still something remaining ATP in the body, so the stars do not enter immediately. Only after some time when all ATP is consumed (because no new one can be produced).
Because the liquid exits and only solid remains. If you compare it with a living one, you will also notice that it has only about 1/3 of the mass and weight of a living one.
Not only animals, people also at times. Calls dead bodies or dead stars
The muscle fibers change and the muscles become hard. The stars will be released after some time.
The mouse was not long dead (or it was dried).
Why is the stars loose?
‘because it dries out. the moisture disappears because the mouse does not drink anymore
PS: It’s not a dead body star… the dead body just stops for a short time and then dissolves again
But it was probably the dead bodies. Dried mice look at the state also at the so-called vicious sight, then such questions do not arise. Since the questioner apparently still had the mouse in his hand, a recently deceased one will have been there.
after 2 – 3 days, the dead body disappears again and in winter the cadaver also fades badly when cold and does not necessarily have to stink
Both are conceivable, but in dry animals the limbs (which are hard) still depend on the body, even at low temperatures. Unless they have been in the position for a long time or at significantly colder temperatures than in Germany. Since the questioner has not described any external features here, we can only speculate.
The blood rubs after death. As a result, the muscles and the body fall into the so-called corpse stars. After some time, the convulsion processes dissolve the stars again by dissolving the smelled blood and making it liquid again while they degrade it.
This affects all living beings having blood, so also humans.
does not say to proble the hardness of the dead mouse.
Yes, deaths are getting tough through the dead bodies.
No hardness does not come from it, because an animal would appear less soft, but nevertheless “labrig”. Instead, the explanation is a “cracking” of the entire muscle.
Cracking is here in quotation marks, since muscle hardening is actually the more energetically more favorable state, on molecular biological level. This sounds anti-intuitive, but if one understands that ATP (the biochemical “energy currency” of the organism) is needed for the solution of muscle fibers, one can well imagine that a dead organism passes into the dead bodies after a short time.
In the disguise, the myosine fiber is loosely released and the tension of the muscles disappears. The approach with blood coagulation can complement the explanation, but not itself used as the main explanation.
Thanks for the supplement.
has something for itself!
Of course.
Mumification was not spoken here, but a “hard” dead mouse and this “hard” is clarified by the dead bodies, because blood is in the whole body with the exception of the brain. In every small fiber and every muscle of the body, the germ of blood hardens, the body solidifies in the position in which it has located as the star inserted and becomes “unnatural” hard.
Mumification is something completely different. Also, the body becomes hard and lasting, but this is clearly seen from the outside. As there were no signs of mummification in the question, I did not go out of this.
after the user andrastor passes again the glitter-starre bakld.
Nevertheless, an ending mouse is permanently hard when no body fluids are left. (so as mummified)
In the vicinity of death is called the death star. Later this is the drying process that leads to a star.
the body fluids are evaporated.
dead star
muskele freeze
They’re drying out.
Through the dead bodies
Dead star.
That should answer your question!
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