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So for the first time it is necessary to distinguish between hate and criticism.
The meaningless hate, however, probably comes from the fact that people tend to be absent from everything else.
You have to deal with it. Otherwise you should really show it open. But what you can do is to report these people online at least. But of course, this does not work preventively.
They won’t. Criticism is not a hate.It is now a fact that it is basically delusions or imagination in children and adolescents.
Yeah, I didn’t have that as Therian as A$$! Insulted
If you’re really insulted personally, you should report it. It’s just my opinion, but you can believe what you want.
Maybe you should consider whether it could not be totally stupid to jump on any trend train! It’s not wrong to be special. But thoughts like “Oh cool, he’s Therian, then I’m also a Therian,” are total bullshit! In the past, “everyone” had to have a tamagotchi. Later, other things were “cool”. And that never stops. With each trend you should consider: “I really find that cool? Or do I just want to listen?” No matter if it concerns Minecraft, Wraca or discussions about which sign you should now gender.
Besides, you always have to count on criticism and also insult. No matter whether it is legitimate or not. You won’t always receive open arms everywhere. And people who really only spread hatred should be avoided anyway.
It is not a trend it is physical
It’s not physical. This is either in the soul or in the brain.
Physical. So.
It’s not a trend. Dubai chocolate is a trend. But not therianthropy. Whoever claims such a thing doesn’t know how to be a therian.
I’m so sorry. Of course I have perfect respect.
Thanks for that.
So they’re not “hatched” IMMER. But whoever writes into an open forum, of course, has to expect that to come “hate”.
Just as if you’re going to public as Therian. It is just different and does not correspond to the “standard”. Many simply ignore it, but unfortunately there are those who can’t do it and then react with “hate”.
If you can’t deal with “Hate”, don’t ask such questions here better and do not show yourself as Therian in public, because direct Hate is harder to ignore than Hate in i.a online forum.
It’s just silly to imagine being an animal. I can’t take that seriously.
Because there are small children who always have phones and their fantasies online Post
So I know this is innate but ok
No, there is no evidence. All just claims so far. If one finds himself so within a year with animal docuss hey I have 10 theriotypes at some point it is sus
Today nothing has been seen in your questions, that is more criticism and rejection, none has.
No one has just got a $$! Date