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2 months ago

Why do new liver spots become darker?

Liver spots, also known as mammals or nevi, are widespread and occur in most people. They arise when melanocytes, the cells responsible for the production of melanin accumulate in the skin. Melanine is the pigment that gives our skin, hair and eyes its color. It is normal that new liver spots arise during life. However, many people note that new liver spots often appear darker than older.

Why new liver spots can be darker

There are several reasons why new liver spots can appear darker than older:

Increased melanin production: New liver spots often have a higher concentration of melanocytes that actively produce melanin. With time this activity can slow down, making older liver spots brighter

Sun exposure: New liver spots are generally more exposed to the sun than older, which leads to increased melanin production and thus to a darker color

Depth of melanocytes: The color of a liver spot also depends on the depth of the melanocytes in the skin. If the melanocytes are in deeper skin layers, the liver spot appears darker. New liver spots can lie deeper in the skin and therefore appear darker

Is it normal that new liver spots are darker?

Yes, it is usually normal that new liver spots are darker than older. Most liver spots are harmless and change over time. New liver spots are in most cases no reason to worry


New liver spots often appear darker than older. This is usually due to increased melanin production, sun exposure or the depth of the melanocytes in the skin. Most new liver spots are harmless. It is important, however, to regularly observe your own liver spots and to pay attention to changes that might indicate skin cancer. In case of suspicious changes, a doctor should be consulted