Warum werden meine 2 neue Wellensittiche von anderen Wellensittiche gemobbt?

Die werden immer geschlagen von anderen Wellensittiche, und wissen auch nicht wie man von Käfig raus kommt wegen frei Flug obwohl der Tür ganze Zeit offen ist

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1 year ago

Shaft tracts always require some time for acclimatization at and for reconciliation to the new environment.

During this time, waves are very careful with everything they do.

In the presence of man there is often not eaten or drunk.

In addition, a new ranking is formed between the waves.

If the cage is not voluntarily abandoned and retrieved, it usually does not have an ideal location.

In any case, such a person is located high above the heads of the upright man.

A clean, bright, dry and absolutely train-free upper corner is best suited.

In the case of daily extensive flight in the room, the size of the cage will be ranked.

For this purpose, the associated, as long as possible, rectilinear routes with suitable starting and landing sites should always be present.

The bulls will come when the environment is right.

I wish you a happy hand for your waves.

Best regards


– skilled in the art –

1 year ago


They may still look at them as competitors. That always depends on how they were brought together. One should only slowly get used to new waves of waves that are not used to large groups. If you throw them directly together, this can lead to negative results. In this case too, rivalry around the habitat in which the new foreign wells have suddenly penetrated.

However, it should also be considered that the waves are a bit more rough when dealing with each other. This can sometimes work worse on us people than it is. When one sits in the way and does not slide, it is pushed with open beak. If he doesn’t always turn away or threatens to get chopped back. Some of them push the competitor off the branch or off the tap if he doesn’t get pushed away.

I’ve been able to observe this very often with my swarm. There were never any problems. As long as there are no bleeding injuries or a wave-sittich is chased around until exhaustion, I don’t see a problem. If there’s anything like that, it would be important to find out why it happened. Shaft tracts, for example, exclude sick animals from the swarm to protect themselves. A sick welli can also put the others in.

The problem with free flight will be solved soon. The waves have to take courage and find themselves right. How long have they been there?


1 year ago
Reply to  HonigWoelkchen

Oh yes waves are very rough to each other 🤭

I experience with my as good as every day, especially with the hens, because they are already very dominant, sometimes I do the cocks sometimes tosle sorry🙈

With me, it is fortunate that every new wave is accepted and patience is accepted.

1 year ago

you must get used to the first time you would thank you if you had two new roommates now.

1 year ago

Perhaps the aggressive waves from the Near East and your German are.The behaviour reminds me of the bullying in German schools.