Warum werden manche Mädchen/Frauen toxisch, wenn sie ihre Tage haben?

Vor ca. 6 Monaten habe ich ein Mädchen kennengelernt. Beim ersten Treffen war alles in Ordnung. Beim zweiten Mal erzählte sie mir, dass sie heute ihre Tage bekommt. Wir haben uns ganz normal weiter unterhalten und eine Stunde später war sie plötzlich richtig toxisch mir gegenüber. Egal was ich sagte, sie kritisierte es, stritt mit mir oder machte dazu eine komische Bemerkung.

Irgendwann hatte ich genug und sagte, ich gehe nach Hause. Sie schrieb mir noch mal, aber ich ignorierte sie, weil ich von ihrem Verhalten Kopfschmerzen bekam. Ein paar Tage später schrieb sie mir, dass es ihr leid täte, wie sie mich behandelt hatte und dass es ihre Hormone seien und sie normalerweise nicht so sei.

Was ich mich aber frage: warum verändern sich die Mädchen/Frauen, sobald sie ihre Tage haben?

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1 month ago

Because the hormones are crazy. If the male hormones would do this to the extent, men would also be bad at that time. Or “other.” Hormones can put a person’s entire emotional world on his head. Things that are completely normal trigger a sudden. You feel unbalanced. Suddenly fear comes or does not understand itself. And the ALL looks like it’s real. It’s not like you could influence it yourself. It feels so real as if you were yourself. That you didn’t do it, but you only notice it after.

It can be that it has PMDS – that makes it even more difficult. You can handle this, but not without ointments or tablets. For my part, I’ve been looking for a solution for 4 years. After I always messed up a week – it’s in the 2. Week has noticed that in the 3rd walk I am apologising (and after 2 years nobody takes one more seriously) and in the 4th again was afraid of the next. This can be a vicious circle.

Depending on the shape, it can become much worse. And if a man acknowledges it with “you have your days again”, then the volcano is going to be quite high. Because the total disinterest in turn reflects. She needs care and attention. Whatever you do with her in Rage Mode. Otherwise set clear limits.

1 month ago
Reply to  Kitharea

Sounds like a horror trip

1 month ago
Reply to  IParkbankI

too. All I tried was nothing – even the doctor knew no more. Sometime after endless research I found an ointment – let me write down the contents of the doctor and get them (must be mixed first). She always helped right away. 10 min and the haunt was over. Just needed someone to remind me that it’s going back. Because I didn’t notice myself many times.

1 month ago

Regarding the regular tables:

It only works if woman doesn’t sit at the table.

This is a certain direction.

No thanks

Happy Sunday


1 month ago

As logical as you do, this does not work in practice when dealing with women.

At 9von10, I would have been confronted with this severe counterwind…

I’ve become too emotional and inappropriate to discuss with women.

Since then I have much less stress and my bliss is nothing in the way

1 month ago

“So many men to listen to would be a true blessing for women”

I did. I had only men as friends as good as ever and was always invited to men’s ancestral tables. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still disinteresting. “She had her days again,” “Yes, I know you poorer.” Something like that. No one has ever asked more about what’s going on in the whole years. NIEMAND. Just laughing. Congratulations. For men, women’s ancestral tables would certainly be exciting. There is a question where she thinks that the problem is.

1 month ago

If next time she doesn’t really apologize for seeing you and communicating personally, I’d shoot her in the wind.

I’m not going to like such freaks, not really until I’m in no fixed relationship.

Otherwise, I would have to forgive anyone who is absolutely on the other side of it…you would open the Pandora’s box

1 month ago

I’ve had the experience that I’m gonna smash it when I realize it’s not serious enough for him or I’m not used to so much interest anyway. Trust is the keyword.

But to a relationship – also in this situation – belong 2. No more and no less. And whoever does not see the problem of the partner as his own does not have any interest in the other. What doesn’t mean you always have to help and be there. But you can talk. And if it must be outside the phases. Trust does not grow on trees.

1 month ago

or better explained

“Do you have your days again?” = he projects the problem on his own and does not care for it

“I think your days will start again?” = he makes himself an ally and tries to understand the problem MIT. does not leave it alone

I can’t believe that a man has never noticed how aggressive or frustrated women answer first question. Doesn’t that make you think?

1 month ago

The latter will be scrambled exactly as

With empathy, it’s just not ^^

How man does it, man does it wrong

How to listen to a man conversation would be a true blessing for women

1 month ago

I read. you should talk to her when the phase is over. What’s going on and what you can do. how to react. She should know she was wrong. Then you can talk about it. But perhaps a better time

1 month ago

“you have something straight your days” is, depending on the sound, a question that judges. The “genervte” has again your days is a completely different situation than a “I think it’s going on again what do you think?”

1 month ago

“Don’t be surprised if some of the resulting problems were due. But I don’t think about it anymore.Sonst comes to me one with mysogynie recordings ^^^”

Your text sounds degrading. Like the woman’s fault. What nonsense is. We are also expected to understand men’s flu. Or when men are completely withdrawing and want to know nothing about one because they have their own problems. I’d be an A if I didn’t take this seriously, but use it against him.

1 month ago

You wanted to know that.

Just needed someone to remind me that it’s going back. Because I didn’t notice myself many times.

Do you have your days or where does the contradiction come from?

1 month ago

It’s not as if you could control it or that’s why you’re a bad person. And mine was an extreme case. In contrast, I and my partner would have been happy to have only the “normal” bad habits on the days.
A huge problem is, however, in the phase men who acknowledge it with “your days again”. If someone is so disinterested in one, you can also go right away. You suffer as a woman. It’s just that. And not to take this seriously just because monthly is no less unsightly.

1 month ago

Funny, this is the perfect example of my answer

1 month ago

This at least explains a lot of female behavior.

Wouldn’t be surprised if there were some problems to be solved.

That’s not what I’m thinking.

Otherwise, one with mysogynie recordings comes to me

1 month ago

As she said,the hormones make a nervous,but you should get together,you can also work

1 month ago

You should take a little shorter in such times.

1 month ago

You can often not suffer yourself. Your reaction was right, make yourself rough.

1 month ago

Because the hormone balance is different in the cycle, which has an effect on behavior. During the period, the body produces significantly more testosterone

1 month ago

It is important to understand that not all girls or women are toxic or irritated during their period. In some cases, hormonal changes occurring during the menstrual cycle can lead to mood fluctuations. These fluctuations can be caused by the rise and decrease of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

1 month ago

It hurts extremely when you have the days