Warum werden manche Flugzeuge von Push backs bis zur runway gefahren?
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This is rather rare, but it can be that the taxi, for example, passes close to a construction site and the engines can only be left after the construction site, then the push back truck pulls the aircraft down to behind the construction site so that by the engine souvenir not any parts come into the engines or fly around the construction site.
However, it could also be that an aircraft that is being pulled doesn’t want to runway at all, but for example the gate has to change or is being pulled into the hangar here it would make no sense to leave the engines extra.
Really pulling on the runway normally makes no sense of the airliners would then block the slopes during the start up. In addition, before the aircraft can go to the takeoff roll, a taxiing is required as part of the checklists to test the brakes. In such a case, the aircraft would have to roll on the runway and stop again.
It’s not up to date.