Warum werden in Steam meine Verkäufe trotz Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator zurückgehalten?
Hallo, ich wollte ein paar Items in Steam verkaufen und irgendwie klappt das nicht.
Ich habe die Verkäufe erstellt und diese auch im Steam Mobile Authenticator bestätigt und trotzdem werden diese für 48 Stunden zurückgehalten.
Weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte?
Kann es daran liegen, dass ich mein Smartphone komplett zurückgesetzt habe und mich deshalb wieder beim Steam Mobile Authenticator neu einloggen musste?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
The authenticator must be active for 7 days.
The authenticator has been active for more than 1 year. Just logged me in to the Authenticator app after which I reset the smartphone. Or is this a “new activation”?
When you logged out, the authenticator will have been deactivated in the normal case.
I didn’t log out directly. Just deleted all data from your smartphone. But it can be true that by deleting the data (including app) it has assumed the status “deactivated”.
This Steam Mobile Authenticator is really a plague…
You have to confirm it with your phone. When you finish it on PC then go to the Steam app -> confirm
Everything was done. It’s still being held back. I have already described this in the question.
then you have to watch what pops up as a message
As a message, there was no mistake or something. She looked like I sold something. But if I go to community market, it says that the item is held back until (date when I set it +2 days).