Warum werden in den Medien immer Kühltürme gezeigt, wenn es um Umweltverschmutzung geht?

Ich meine, das ist nur Wasserdampf, der da oben rauskommt. Reiner Wasserdampf… Der verschmutzt die Umwelt nicht im geringsten.

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3 years ago

Haallo SuperMan,

I guess there’s another fade of the past, it’s more a kind of symbol (hope the name is right) for pollution as a real example. There are in our time too rarely the still dirty slopes like the past. Surely you could show planes with their ties.

Even if only water vaporizes there, it still affects the environment, it changes the microclimate. In addition, the nuclear power plants must also have cooling towers and produce radioactive waste.

Of course, this can only say the medium that the images use. If you’re happy, you can write down the next time you see it and ask, maybe you’ll get an answer.

MfG PlueschTiger

3 years ago

Well, there are two arguments for this:

  • Optically this with the swaths is of course impressive and unconsciously reminds of the agonizing factory slut
  • The cooling towers are, harmless as they are functional, not because of their entertainment value, but because they are supposed to cool down installations that are not so harmless.
3 years ago

I used to be in a tour like this. It’s just very humid air like in the tropics.

3 years ago

I don’t know, but it feels good that not all of the media can be brazed.

3 years ago

Because the average German has no idea.