Warum werden Heroin-Abhängige staatlich in eine andere Sucht geleitet?

Ich persönlich kenne 2 ehemalige Heroin-Abhängige und die sind in dem staatlichen Methadon-Programm bzw. einer bekommt Subutex und der andere Methadon. Ich kenn die 2 schon seit mehreren Jahren und die bekommen immer noch ihre Ersatz-Stoffe.

Ich dachte, Sinn des Methadon-Programms ist es, den “Patienten” das Heroin auszuschleichen. Stattdessen werden die Abhängigen mit einem anderen Medikament abhängig gemacht. Steckt da die Pharma-Industrie dahinter oder warum ist das so?

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9 years ago

Many addicts manage to regain employment and to have a sturdy everyday life with the use of methadone. In addition, the procurement criminality is eliminated and the risk of infection. Besides, you know what you get (which is not always the case with heroin).

If the wreath is stable – and this is often the case only after many years, one tries to put the methadone off and to switch to another substitute, which one can then slowly slip out. This is not possible with methadone.

Nevertheless, it is a very heavy stone way. One packs it – the other not.

6 years ago
Reply to  Pilotflying

Why shouldn’t one be able to sneak out methadone? Of course, this is possible, even pretty good. Many do not want this and prefer to persist for a long time in substitution because they cannot imagine living abstinent. I took methadon myself for 14 years and therefore know what I’m talking about.

9 years ago

It is also intended to prevent heroin users from getting HIV or going on. The addicts can only create the actual withdrawal from their own drive. In addition, the substitutions always provide for psychological support, which should lead to the withdrawal from drugs.

9 years ago
Reply to  Still

goes not only about HIV but also hepatitis A bis Z go in the fixed scene rum.

8 years ago

There might be something. Heroin withdrawal takes “only” 7 days, Methadon 3 months. Hardly anyone comes from metha. Diamorphine program would be much more sensible, DAM is in contrast to metha which makes stupid and fat also not harmful.

9 years ago

It’s not another addiction. Subutex and methadone are opioids just like heroin, and precisely Junkies are not heroin-dependent, but opioid-dependent. For the addicts, substitution eliminates the many problems associated with the illegality of heroin, e.g. the high costs, the extenders, the illegality… Sure, the pharmaceutical industry deserves their money at the substitutes, but for the addicts the programs are a blessing.

6 years ago

I can only say from my own experience that substitution with methadone brings with it several advantages.. As already mentioned, the procurement criminality falls away and one can go back to a regulated daily routine. However, the most important point for me was that which I no longer have to put in danger of overdosing, through constantly fluctuating purity of the street drugs. I’ve lost 8 people who were close to me for the last 4 years. Another point is that I have lost the pleasure of getting into other opioids by the methadone. Due to the many methadone I would simply need too much of the street heroin to even notice something. It’s not worth it for a long time and I’m going too much into the money. There are many advantages that methadone brings with it, but unfortunately it is also much harder to get rid of it than heroin. Despite the improved quality of life, I regret this step a little.

9 years ago

Because the problem is not heroin itself, but illegality.

One could also give the addicts pure heroin as a substitute. That would take them away from the black market, they would no longer consume the biggest dirt under incredible hygenic circumstances and would no longer have to become criminals to afford heroin.

Afaik acts methadon longer than heroin, which naturally makes the distribution easier. Instead of giving out a small dose of heroin 5 times a day to allow the addicts a normal life, one gives them a methadone and thus frees them from the withdrawal symptoms all day.

The addiction does not change, it remains an Opioid addiction.

9 years ago

Of course, it all has a meaning. The problem is that heroin also makes physically dependent.

Look here, your question is exactly explained:


9 years ago
Reply to  Gummibaer96

Oh, and Methadon doesn’t do that? I have to laugh.

9 years ago
Reply to  john201050

Look at the link.

6 years ago

So I didn’t get worse or fatter, 179 cm tall and 70 kg.

Polamidone consumption, however, is actually meaningless for me, no antideppresive effect, actually only that one has no physical withdrawal.

I have depression over 40 years but almost throughout my life, so I long didn’t know that I have deppressions because I’ve had them since childhood and didn’t know how others feel without this disease. Only when I took Mundidol 4 years ago after a heart surgery. 60 mg daily so that I can still do a simple job because that helped me like other ones I have experienced how it feels normal to tick, with this amount one has no high but the slightly euphoric effect has shown me how it is positive to think and enjoy life.

Unfortunately or thank God I was not set to Substidol that has the same active ingredient as Mundidol, so after 3 years I came to the end of investigating various other substitutes with Polamiton, I am now down from 40 mg to 5 mg because this does not help me in life. Now I am 2 steps from zero next stage after 5 mg are 2.5 mg then end hope that I can still make the end track.

What I don’t understand is why I wasn’t prescribed 120 mg of substidol from the beginning, which would have helped me. It is better to try with Subuxone and because it does not help we go from the beginning 4 mg up to 12 mg then to put on Polamidon 25 mg the first 14 days I have slept through and sometimes did not even know whether I was on the pharmacy then increased to 40 mg so that massive physical damage is carried away because it has not helped me anything psychologically, instead of giving me 120 mg of Substidol from the beginning. The only advantage I have is that the psychological withdrawal cannot have so much to me, because I know the crappy feeling of my life and didn’t know it differently until 4 years ago.

The disadvantage I know now how to feel without deppressions since taking Mundidol

which will always remain in my mind.

Unfortunately, no psychopharmacists have tried 5 different drugs and which would help like benzos make addiction again, so I will be sober again now and with a crappy feeling through life at least as long as I can endure it. What is still sad it is presented as misuse while I had the whole thing on my own and it helped me but instead of moving it because it helps you get out of mouth and can run every day to the pharmacy I am not a dealer and have never sprayed.

9 years ago

I’m gonna come up with the question so I can find it again and answer it if I have time. Do not have a “Remember” option on my app.

9 years ago

the criminality rate should be reduced, which is aspeckt on the first and the second relatively helpful is that the addicts at methadon” are on the safe side” because in this case the ie will be infitted a by spraying (disorders etc) and b no other substance with which the heroin is stretched to take

6 years ago
Reply to  jackvitobonus

Methadone can also be sprayed, which is even more harmful. And many do.. In my opinion, a substitution would be much more promising if one would let the methadon mix with viscose and one could take it as one would like. Let’s be honest. what addicts the i.v. has consumed is satisfied if he has to drink the stuff? If this were different, I would have saved myself some downs.

8 years ago

The pharmaceutical industry just wants our money

9 years ago

This already eliminates the procurement criminality.