Why aren't the rules for selling alcohol tightened?

Alcohol is significantly more harmful than tobacco, yet it's still allowed to be advertised, sold to anyone over 16, and sold freely in practically every store. Why is that?

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1 year ago

Because the alcohol industry has an extremely strong lobby.

There are thousands of jobs. From wine-growers to wine-growers, brewers and malts, farmers and maschinists, production workers on the machines etc.

Not to forget the alcohol tax that plays abundant money in the cash register. If they slaughter this goldfish, the financial budget will be smaller. In the eyes of politicians too small, especially the civil servants!!!

With increasing grades, large money-hungers of the German state apparatus and its administration simply unthinkable. Even if alcohol could only be sold at 2 years of higher age, a huge bunch of customers would break away. Besides, alcohol is not the same as alcohol. It is a huge difference whether you drink a liter of 40% vodka or a liter of beer (3%).

1 year ago
Reply to  idk08865

Yes, quite incomprehensible. Only in smoking does the risk of diseases seem to be 0,000xy % lower than in smoking. It would be logical, at least in comparison to Alk. So say:
3 glass of beer are better than 1 box of cigarettes.

A 22 box or a bottle of liquor is better than a bar of cigarettes or a box of cigars.

Don’t ask me why, but it could be that way.

Secondly, Germany is a country of the WInzer, Brauer and Mälzer. Tobacco producers and tobacco manufacturers are not as many in Germany as winemakers, winemakers, brewers, malts, etc. Ergo is not as strong as with the numerous plants responsible for the production of alcoholic beverages. In the USA there are larger corporations like Pall Mall, Marlboro etc.

They also have another market power.

1 year ago
Reply to  idk08865

Read the first sentence of SEKschulz. Then you have the answer.

1 year ago


Why are the sales rules for alcohol not tightened?

Why would they…?

Alcoholic drinks are drinks. You should not confuse and/or equalize the consumption of alcohol.

The consumption of small amounts of alcohol is not basically harmful.

Tobacco consumption is always very harmful, no matter what and what.

That’s the background.

Or why do you think fruit juices can be drunk without the age limit of infants? You didn’t know that fruit juices also contain alcohol? Now you know…

Of course, any alcohol abuse is always harmful. This, however, is not the rule, but the exception and constitutes a purpose alienation of alcoholic beverages.

Good to you… and stay healthy.

Greeting, RayAnderson 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  idk08865

What is the link to this advertising page?

There is nothing that prefers to drink alcohol regularly.

1 year ago
Reply to  RayAnderson

Alcohol significantly more harmful than tobacco…

Where are they from? Everyone in the network can now reasonably inform themselves. It is overdue that the kids learn to distinguish seriously from ours in the net.

1 year ago
Reply to  GabHH

This seems to be normal in the youth.

Headlines are read and then used as supposed evidence without the actual contributions being read or but they were not understood or misinterpreted due to lack of background knowledge.

The youth does not know the most normal terms. No wonder there’s nothing sensible about it. Even the thought of something that is not healthy would be automatically harmful. The term “not healthy” says nothing more than that something is not beneficial to health. Being ashamed of what’s like to be equal is a completely different shoe…

Or… even better, alcohol consumption is automatically equivalent to alcohol abuse. Then comea baptism and enjoy a wine confused.

But as a toxicologist, I don’t have to tell you. 😉

1 year ago

Jo, I don’t know, but keep asserting and eventually it starts with the insults. A daily equal game here.

1 year ago

Yeah, but with you, I have concerns…

1 year ago

We Germans drink with the most alcohol

It is tradition and therefore easy to access

It will not change

1 year ago
Reply to  Cheeks508

First place is the Vatican. It scared me too.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerBraten

They need wine, have no sex and no other joy.

In addition, the Vatican does not have any other drug bans, because the UN unit agreement on the 1963 drugs has not ratified them.

You have some kind of justice and prison is more of a house arrest. But with two weeks of house arrest and real repentance it was for a priest who was caught with 2 kilos of cocaine in the Vatican.

God is forgiveness and love.

1 year ago


1 year ago

I would have liked that to be strengthened. But besides drastically increasing the brand wine tax and making beer, champagne and wine also very expensive you can do nothing.

1 year ago

That’s wrong – it’s been known for a long time that cigarette consumption takes more years of life than alcohol (if you don’t have a sweater of grain per day) – and honestly you’re 14 smoking, ciffing and purging coffee and energy drinks for 2 years – I think your life is more unhealthy than mine that turns out to beer or two behind the bandage

1 year ago
Reply to  paaauleee

These are the typical comparisons…

On the one hand, abuse is countered, on the other a normal consumption of tobacco.

Every single cigarette is damaged.

Not at times a glass of wine.

But in the case of alcohol, it is strange that people give their edge.

These questions are intended to take the answers forward. This makes it possible to spread a basic mood.

As I read the FS’s comment, it should obviously be a positive mood for marijuana legalization…

As if a 16-year-old had ever come to jail for 1 g of marijuana (in Germany).

What the kids do not want to understand is that marijuana that is smoked is at least as harmful as the general smoking. Quite apart from the fact that in children and adolescents it leads to extreme damage to the development of the brain. That even gives our Mr Lauterbach, according to him, from a joint a week.

Sorry, I didn’t want to text you.

1 year ago

Why is that?

Because it’s cultural.
Some cultures “baptize”, some “kiffen”, some “coke”, some chewing khat and again other betelnuss.

1 year ago

Because drug policy in Germany is for the ton.

1 year ago
Reply to  APPLEFR34K

It’s all right, but it’s time to adapt.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerBraten

You can baptize yourself into a coma as a 16-year-old, but you’ll get a message if you have a few crumbs of marijuana… I don’t think I’m so right now.

1 year ago

Because we find him good.


1 year ago
Reply to  3sindeineBande


1 year ago
Reply to  3sindeineBande

Mundl Sackbauer. Cheers!!!!