Warum werden die Suchergebnisse nicht geöffnet? (Safari)?
Hallo! 🤗
ich bräuchte eure Hilfe! Wenn ich in der Suchleiste (safari
) etwas suche, erscheint mir dann wie eine „Fehlermeldung“ aber auf chinesisch. Es werden nur seiten geöffnet wenn ich es zB. so eingebe: www.google.at aber wenn ich nur „stichwörter“ schreibe erscheint dann das.
Kennt jemand das Problem?
You use a VPN that is set to Hong Kong.
Please place your search engine on Ecosia or DuckDuckGo. Google approves the coup d’état in the USA.
With Ecosia it actually works 🤔 Do you happen to know how I can change that so it also works with google??
No, I’m not using Google. They’re bad. 🤷
I just called Apple now and there are some “Land & Region” settings at the iphone. One of them was turned to China. Without their help, I would not have found this job.
Thanks anyway
Probably you hired Google Hong Kong as a standard search engine.
But don’t have an iPhone, so I can’t help anymore.
No, not that, have selected the suggested search engines of Iphone – Google 🙈
Well, for some reason, you still land on the Hong Kong version…
So this doesn’t help?
Hmm, here they had the same problem. The device location was somehow turned to China.
Why that’s what I want to find out.
No, it’s all set to DE. 😐