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Ein Sachbearbeiter war mit mir sehr unfair bei der Entscheidung. grobe Fehler und Willkür. Obwohl das Gericht das korrigiert hat, bin ich immer noch genervt, dass er so gehandelt hat. Ich kann nicht damit umgehen, dass er so frech mit mir war. Ich wollte Konsequenzen. Da ich auch die Belastung der Klage trug. Wie geht…
Because extremist spiders and sectarians are always a threat to the stability of a society.
What? Do you even know the Sun State Forum?
As much as your demand is pressing:
There is a good reason for the assumption that the “helplessest respondent” can no longer answer you.
6 Demands for your “helpless answer”:
No one who is known to me refers to users of the Sun State Forum.
Thanks to the @Moderation for the release of my comment, which has been reported for unknown reasons.
Perhaps this is also due to your backround?
Request to:
Request to:
Just because of a nickname that can also be interpreted zigfold, as well as the factual commenting of posts you cannot derive what you say. You don’t know why the user has given this nickname and factual comment can have 1000 reasons.
If you look at the false claims you are making here through a forum where true anti-democracy is opposed, then clean clarification is correct. Or do you see that differently?
Why do you have a problem with people informing people like e.g. Explaining rich people? Reich citizens are often armed and have little inhibitions while they literally want to introduce a monarchy in Germany? If so, why? Would you, please? So I personally find it good if people like rich people are offered Paroli.
I believe that if you do not answer any requests, you cannot complain if you do not answer any requests. The question of gaining knowledge is probably more than obvious.
Please answer the questions I asked you.
You don’t answer my demand by asking
My unanswered demand is: “What exactly do you mean by ‘euren’?”
In addition, I asked you in the reference comment:
You haven’t answered these requests yet.
Actually, you should get on your own.
With your nickname ‘hardliner’ give the other person here to understand immediately that you stand very far outside in terms of opinion and that only your opinion is the only right one. With your 10 comments/answers under my question, you will prove this again impressively.
Why are you so upset about my question?
I thought you were friends. Am I wrong?
So I haven’t heard anything yet.
Perhaps you are inadvertently in contact with right-wing extremists and anti-democracy enemies who want to distract from their attitudes?
I have just looked briefly into this forum you mentioned and found that none of the attributes you mentioned is correct, on the contrary, democracy is lived there and extremism is not held there, for example, the dear people sit there with the deppical assertions of democracies such as e.g. Outside the right, such as rich citizens, but also extremist vaccinators, chemtrail believers and many more.
Apparently, it doesn’t taste such extremists mentioned and really funny that they are mentioned in this forum by the dear people.
I think that every democrat is happy about what you can see in this forum. 😊
Solar state – Wikipedia
“Sonnenstaatland” – Version History – Wikipedia
[Citadel start:]
07.12.2023, 19:49:20am
became SSL users as
Please prove reputable and verifiable for the participating community!
In fact, it is so – and this is evidenced by sources also the Wikipedia entry [Solar state – Wikipedia] – that the sun state (SSL) issatire– and education project on the scene of theReich citizensandSelf-administration and, therefore, in “bad circles” of right-wing extremists and anti-democracy enemies, hatred.
This hatred of “bad circles” grows due to the fact that the users of the sun state (SSL) information aboutImperial Citizens’ Movementnot only researches and collects, but substantiates so well that since 2015 it has been a source in publications of the German Federal RepublicConstitutional protectionare called.
See this:
high & thank you, , for your detailed, factual contribution!
Good morning hardliner2019! 😊
If I look at what you’re doing here, these statements cover my experiences when I looked into the forum – democracy is being lived there and there are some protests to democracy. What the questioner describes does not cover with what is reality. If the questioner had also looked into this forum, he would see very quickly what are rich citizens and what they can do, so also how important it is that people are enlightened about rich citizens. A look at this forum should be suggested to the questioner. 😊
“Thumen hoch & Dank, DjangoS6, for your detailed, factual contribution!”
I can only return the same to you in full! 😊
To date, I have not noticed the user of the Sun State Forum “often” being referred to as a threatening or far-leftist democracy enemy. The forum and the page deal with the so-called Reich citizens and similar contemporaries.
Since there is a clear overlap with right-wing and far-right positions in some “Reichsbürger” groups, the forum also deals with right-wing encircles. But that doesn’t mean that the members are left-radical.
To better classify your answer, where would you politically classify yourself in the left-right scheme?
What role should this play? You can talk about my statement in terms of content, no matter what political attitude I have. Perhaps you can do as you are on your thesis, the users of the sun state would often be referred to as a threat to fire (for whom exactly?) and as a far-leftist democracy enemy.
That’s what it is.
And not just that. In addition:
The information collected by users of the Sun State (SSL) onImperial Citizens’ Movementare so well documented that they as a source in publications of the German Federal RepublicConstitutional protectionare called.
See this:
Thanks & thumb high for your factual answer, which from my point of view stands out from the “helpless answer” that the Incognito framer has already chosen.
This has been awarded as the most helpful answer, and the questioning about my poltitical arrangement gives me the suspicion that the questioner is not a factual answer, but only a confirmation of his false premise. The question of my political arrangement is, in my opinion, only for the formation of an ad-homine, which I do not consider appropriate in the case of a positive or negative interpretation.
Why are you repeating your demand to the respondent?
Fact is:
You haven’t given the polite explanation so far.
Similarly, you have not answered this demand [blue button “Requests” below right in the description field of your question].
Why not?
Speaking of “no answer is also an answer”: There are a number of requests for your question and your comments. So far all unanswered by you.
Thank you for your feedback!
I share your suspicion.
The community, now or later, will gain its own impression on the approach of the Incognito framer and thereby Answers to the following questions find:
[Citadel start:]
1. Establish your position
Sure, your opinion is important. But nothing has been won by the mere clash of views. To get in touch with each other, it is crucial why you represent this opinion. So consider your perspective and invite your counterpart to do the same. The discussion does not continue to raise any expressions of opinion and incitements, but rather leads to a remembrance of the camp and the fronts harden. The most important question in a discussion is: “Why do you think that?”
[Citat end]
Suggestive question – Wikipedia
I gave you an answer and it’s “It doesn’t matter.” I would like to renew the offer of the content debate with my statement. Is that too cumbersome or what is phase?
I see, no answer is also an answer.
Doesn’t matter.
To better set up your answer.
Again, where would you politically arrange yourself in the left-right scheme?
It’s called
As is known,
So is a correct answer to your question
“Because one should not abuse the incognito-possibility of good question.”
07.12.23, 19:49:20
became SSL users as
Please prove reputable and verifiable for the participating community!