Warum werden die bevorzugt?

Warum werden um Einzelhandel Kunden vor Mitarbeitern bevorzugt. Ich meine:

Mitarbeiter müssen ja feste Schuhe tragen und nur undurchsichtige Strumpfhosen. Kundinnen haben teilweise kurze Röcke ohne Strumpfhosen, Ballerina Schuhe und Bauchfrei.

Wenn Mitarbeiter im Weg stehen heißt es: ,,Lasst doch mal die Kundschaft durch”. Wenn Kunden im Weg stehen heißt es nur: ,,Ach Entschuldigung ich sollte besser aufpassen”.

Beim Praktikum im Einzelhandel war es ein Problem dass ich in der Pause mein Handy hatte. Aber der Kunde Mr.Wichtig ist während seines ganzen Einkaufs mit seinem wichtigen Telefonat beschäftigt.

Man sagt der Kunde ist König und wie man sieht ist das ja ned ganz gelogen. Bei denen ist die äußere Erscheinung egal und sie werden immer in den Vordergrund gestellt.

Warum ist das denn so?

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3 months ago

Staff must wear solid shoes and only opaque pantyhose. Some customers have short skirts without pantyhose, ballerina shoes and belly free.

Because the employee represents the business and the company behind it. Customers are just people who use the offered performance.

When employees stand in the way, they say, “Let’s go through the clientele.” When customers are in the way, it’s just saying, “Ah excuse I should be better careful.”

You can also ask customers to go aside. Kind of natural. Because you want to sell something to the customer.

During the internship in retail, it was a problem that I had my phone in the break. But the customer Mr.Wichtig is busy with his important phone call during his entire purchase.

What you do in the break is your thing, but if you work, you have to work and don’t move on your phone. ‘Mr. Important’ goes shopping in his spare time. He can hang on his phone as he wants.

Why is that?

Because you work there and get paid for it. The customer wants him to buy something. This will be similar to you in JEDEM.
Of course, you don’t have to let everything please you, but the roles you and the customer are just different.

3 months ago

Why retail customers are preferred before employees.

What does this have to do if the employees of a company follow a dress order prescribed by the company so that they do not harm the company’s reputation?

Customers can badly prescribe how they have to dress. (You could at most deny them access to the business premises – only then you are safe to get rid of these customers.)

During the internship in retail, it was a problem that I had my phone in the break.

Break’s break. As long as you don’t stop in the area where customers are present, it’s your thing you do in your break.

You say the customer is king and how you can see it is completely lied.

Many customers expect that. In fact, he is a business sponsor and should also be treated at this level.

But the customer Mr.Wichtig is busy with his important phone call during his entire purchase.

And if Mr. Important thinks that he only needs to make calls during the interaction with the staff, then he can also be made aware that this behavior leaves a damn bad impression of him.

What the customer does while looking around or doing. his own purchases are his own business.

3 months ago

After 1987, after my training, I worked for 10 years in a single piece ( Furniture House=) and still at the department store.

not so much thought that Customer pays your salary , of course this should be there, it is not that a customer calls an employee as “Fette S** ” to take an example from my Praix , = house ban.

After the service, everything is over.

3 months ago

So, you mean, as a customer, should I adapt to the clothes regulations of the employees in the respective business?

Oh, dear, I’ll have to go to town with a packed suitcase next time and move around 4x. Thank you, then I’ll just buy online.

3 months ago

Because customers pay your salary.