Warum werden die “alten” Impfstoffe immer noch schöngeredet?

Man hört immer wieder, auch die alten Impfstoffe seien ja so gut. Wir haben uns im Urlaub alle drei angesteckt, obwohl wir alle dreiw- bis viermal geimpft waren. Von befreundeten Familie (dreimal geimpft) waren ebenfalls alle krank. Unsere Kollegin (dreimal geimpft) ist seit dem 18.Juli nicht mehr bei der Arbeit gewesen. Und ich habe auch Mal mit einer gesprochen, die gesagt hat, dass sie seit der Impfung Schmerzen am Körper habe. Das alles sind keine Einzelfälle mehr. Warum kann niemand offen sagen, dass diese Impfstoffe nicht das halten, was sie versprochen haben, sondern es wird mit der Viertimpfung (mit demselben Impfstoff) krampfhaft versucht, das Ansehen dieser Impfstoffe zu retten?

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2 years ago

So, everybody survives?

It’s nowhere to get sick. It’s protection!

After over two years of pandemic, it should be clear, right?

And anyone knows anyone who was supposed to have something after vaccination.

2 years ago

Why can no one openly say that these vaccines do not keep what they promised,

it has never been promised that vaccinated will not be infected. That’s just intelligence allergy like you.

And yes, especially in vaccination, there are some very sparing horror stories.

2 years ago

“Why can no one openly say that these vaccines do not keep what they have promised” – do they, or did they have heavy processes?

2 years ago
Reply to  hydrahydra

It can only be seen that, in addition to 82 million federal trainers, 82 superb hobbyologists and vaccine researchers are on the go. I humblely bow to so much universal expertise…

2 years ago
Reply to  vuurwerk3011

And where is this to be attributed to vaccination?

2 years ago
Reply to  vuurwerk3011

And a colleague of mine died without vaccination… And now?

2 years ago

Because they had to make a vaccine fast. In a short time.

In addition, despite vaccination with corona, it has a mild course

2 years ago
Reply to  vuurwerk3011

True, but the older ones have almost 5 and they are partly better than those who are vaccinated 3 times.

2 years ago

Let this form of insult of recognised science! There’s nothing going to be done here, and this is what research has found out that the old vaccines are still protecting from serious illness. And don’t pretend to be the supervirologist. This eternal improvement and transversal discovery is really slow tolerable.

PS: “you hear again and again,” yes, of course…. then I would strongly recommend to listen to the serious sources and not to believe every bullshit on Tiktok.

2 years ago
Reply to  vuurwerk3011

Everyone should be invaded, because it’s just how you can finally stop this shit, it’s not that hard to understand…

2 years ago
Reply to  vuurwerk3011

Well, that’s what they’re saying about second booster vaccination.

2 years ago

We were all three on holiday, although we were all vaccinated three to four times.

The vaccination is not supposed to protect it from infection.

since vaccination has pain in the body.

There are also other vaccines.

2 years ago

All of them were sick by friends (three vaccinated). Our colleague (three vaccinated) has not been at work since 18 July.

vaccination or 3-4 doesn’t mean you’re immune

that has said that since vaccination she has pain in the body.

does not mean anything can be nocebo effect, you shouldn’t underestimate what your brain is trying to do

2 years ago

What do “old” vaccines have to do with your infections? Nothing!

It was known from the beginning of the vaccinations that TROTZ vaccination can be infected and that is still the case.

A significantly weaker course is the result of the so-called “old” vaccines.

And only once for information: the vaccines are always produced so that they are inoculated on a newer level. Please ask your family doctor.

2 years ago

After almost two years and several mutations, one can already know that the vaccines do not primarily protect against infection, but reduce the risk of severe courses.

2 years ago

I’m just referring to your headline…

Because the dirt that they bought too much…

2 years ago
Reply to  CapoNova

And another false answer.

2 years ago
Reply to  CapoNova

You’re gonna be okay, aren’t you?