Warum werden derart YouTube Kanalbetreiber diffamiert?

In YouTube gibt es u.a. Kanalbetreiber wie z.B. “Ketzer der Neuzeit” oder “Weichreite TV” , die mit ihren Beiträgen lediglich Demonstrationen, Kundgebungen oder einfache Straßenumfragen aufnehmen und kommentieren. Warum werden diese auf eigentlich neutraler Basis agierenden Youtuber von Außenstehenden oftmals beschimpft, bedroht oder haltlos einfach als Nazis und Rassisten beleidigt?

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3 months ago

Because they do not offend anything, they are unpleasant and tell strange stuff but how live in a free country. In a democracy and there it is necessary to hold out other opinions, also by right, and to be prepared to recognise and discuss points as legitimate.

If we make every opinion and every right barrier and people accessible only selected opinions, how should young people or people generally form their own opinion?

they cannot and this does not correspond to democracy. Fighting anyone is not the way. Convince others from his point of view and, as far as possible, the same value must be the goal.

If you don’t do that, how can you say he’s not a human enemy? Or not human rights?

3 months ago
Reply to  TJDettweiler

It is exciting that these right-wing gdrata, but themselves do not want freedom of expression, which is the ogottogotto god evil bullying.

3 months ago
Reply to  Herfried1973

It is exciting that there is nothing left and right there, although it does not correspond to democracy.

But I repeat.

3 months ago

Know of the mentioned, only heretics of modern times

And it’s quite simple: Because he just spreads fake news.

His kind is still very perfide, so well…

In short: Yes he may also be right (logical), but just 1. Not always and 2. The way he’ll bring it over is just crap.

3 months ago
Reply to  TheExcalibur

Now I have a proper word. It’s provocative what he does.

3 months ago
Reply to  TheExcalibur

Do not justify, as little as you can justify your behaviour.

However predictable 🤷 ♂️

It’s a simple, overheaded example.

You’re insulting someone, just trying to blow you after that? No.

Was it foreseeable that this happened? Yeah.

2 months ago
Reply to  Hansikanzie

Fascists make fascists Kram . Rights on YT are a huge Krieswic…. Group .

3 months ago

It’s not just him.

2 months ago

These are complete fascists as in the case example.

Only what they say about Queere people is constantly violating our Basic Law . In addition, they rarely give up to hardly credible / verifiable sources. Often articles are linked in the text then nothing of what they have said.

They are people who are permanently only spreading hatred and get ego push through the appeal. In addition, one thing makes it easy to earn money: right populism.

3 months ago

You might be entitled to criticize them. They give the extremists platform and thus show exactly where to belong. Good that these Gfrasta never appear in my filter bubble