Warum werde ich nicht schwanger?

Guten Morgen!

Ich weis das dies hier kein Spezielles Forum für Frauen mit Kinderwunsch ist oder ähnlich.
Ich habe auch in meinem Profil sehr viele Fragen bezüglich diesem Thema gestellt. Aber ich muss es einfach mal irgendwo los werden.

Ich habe im Oktober 2020 im Alter von 17 Jahren mein erstes gesundes Kind auf die Welt gebracht, ein Jahr später Ende November dann im Alter von 18 Jahren eine Fehlgeburt in der 7. ssw gehabt. Ich verhüte nicht und hab auch nie bis kaum mit der Pille verhütet.

Ich habe eine unregelmäßige Zyklus der sich seid letztem Monat „etwas“ eingependelt hat, monatsblutung am 14. Oktober und heute am 14. November bekommen.

Mein Freund und ich wollen ein Baby. Ich setz mich schon sehr unter Druck weil ich sehr frustriert und traurig darüber bin. Sobald ich meine Periode bekommen weinen ich nur und Hab kaum noch Antrieb etwas anderes zu tuen, es geht mir einfach sehr ans Herz.

Sex habe ich auch nicht regelmäßig. Seid der Fehlgeburt gehabt obwohl es sinnvoll wäre so oft zu herzeln wie es nur geht, aber es klappt einfach nicht.

Ich weis auch das es einer Der Gründe ist warum es nicht klappt, wenn man 2-4 mal im Monat mit einander Sex hat, was soll da schon klappen groß bei einem unregelmäßigen Zyklus??!
Ich wurde immer innerhalb von 3 Monaten schwanger und nun warte ich und warte ich, beide meiner Babys waren nicht geplant und nun klappt nichts mehr seid dem ich das zweite verloren habe.

Der Arzt sagt es ist alles in Ordnung aber es frustriert mich einfach so sehr. Ich weis nicht was ich noch alles tuen soll, Vitamine präperate, kein Alkohol keine Drogen. Ich nehme garnichts.

Was mich auch ganz doll Traurig macht ist das mein Freund (ab dem 16.11 Ehemann) Bevor ich mit ihm zusammen gekommen bin eine Frau Ungewollt geschwängert hat, und bei ihr hat es ja anscheinend beim Ersten Mal sofort geklappt. Ich will nicht weiter drauf eingehen.
Aber was einfach so sehr wehtut ist das ich unser Baby in der Zeit verloren hab und sie ihr Glück heute in den Händen halten kann.
Da frage ich mich immer ob es an mir liegt warum es bei mir nicht mehr klappt und wieso ich unser Kind In der 7. ssw verloren habe.

Ich sehe so viele Frauen die schwanger werden und schwanger herum laufen das ich kaum noch hinschauen kann. Ich bin wirklich sehr froh und zu tiefst glücklich darüber das ich ein wunderschönes Kind habe was gesund auf die Welt gekommen ist aber der Wunsch nach der Fehlgeburt nochmal schwanger zu sein und noch ein gesundes frohes Kind zu bekommen ist einfach sehr stark und Groß.

Schwanger werden fängt um Kopf an aber ich kann nur sehr schwer aufhören daran zu denken, und wenn es durch Zufall passiert ist es immer am schönsten aber irgendwann stellte man sich die Frage bei Kinderwunsch warum es nicht klappt und ob man gesund ist.

Die Fehlgeburt war sehr traumatische und bis heute erriner ich mich an das was die Schwester zu mir meinte. „Sie wissen ja das sie fruchtbar sind“

Und nun klappt nichts

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2 years ago

You’re right…

Pregnancy begins in the head (quasi). If you are not willing to do this – or you have a lot of stress (which also includes this “set/set under pressure” or everyday stress) – then everything could be “perfect and healthy” all around, and nevertheless it may be difficult.

You have different construction sites that you have to edit one after another (with the help?).

  • Your personal stress level
  • Your cycle
  • your sex life (this also includes all the coexistence as a couple, dealing with each other, acceptance of the other and of itself)
  • the processing of miscarriage a few years ago

With all this, you must not forget one thing:

  • The child who is already here
2 years ago
Reply to  Rockige

I have the clear feeling that the child who is already here is already worth less now, because it does not come from the current partner. If the lady from the current partner bears a child, the first child has bad cards.

2 years ago

Then I misunderstood you. I’m sorry.

2 years ago

… if I were still with my son’s father, I would have liked to have had a second with him, the partner does not change that I set my second child as priority and look at the other as less value.

And you think this attitude is right?

2 years ago

First of all, you have to stop making such a stress and try to turn off the whole mind box, it only hurts you and has a negative effect on your child’s desire. That you had a miscarriage isn’t your fault, nature sorts out very precisely at the beginning and the baby would probably not have been viable and it has nothing to mean for the future.

The main problem with you seems to be your irregular cycle and then you don’t have sex so often. Even if you always get exactly your fertile days, there is only 20-30% chance to get pregnant.

So it would be important to regulate your cycle first, so you can drink teas, e.g. rattle cakes. These are two different teas you take depending on the cycle phase. The first one drinks from the first day of the period to the ovulation and the second one from the ovulation to the period. This is intended to support the ripening of the egg cell and then the structure of the mucous membrane, often the second half of the cycle is too short for a fertilized egg cell to nest.

Secondly, if you find out exactly when you have your fertile days, you can use ovulation tests. Sperms can survive up to five days in the womb and in the egghead, the egg after the jump 12-24 hours, which means you are only 5-6 days in the cycle fruitful and then “must” have their sex. Of course you can also have sex every two days and so you don’t miss the fertile days, but that’s all connected with pressure.

2 years ago

Some things can, nothing has to – everything is compulsive of evil.

2 years ago
Reply to  Unholdi


2 years ago

Well, you should finally learn to enjoy sex instead of just looking at it as a means of reproduction.

It has been known for a long time that the psyche (no matter if the man or the woman) plays an essential role.

You should both let go and live. Not having sex after calendar, not with every GV a fertilization in the back of the head.

As you put pressure on yourself, this will be nothing in 5 years.

2 years ago

Your other child is from another man? Then you should check your genetics, maybe you are incompatible. More often than you think.

2 years ago
Reply to  VladlenaRUS

With my cousin, it wasn’t that kind of genetic stuff. Wait a year and if it doesn’t work, then turn to a nursery, there is also a detailed study to find the cause.

2 years ago
Reply to  VladlenaRUS

Miscarriages within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are not even “so” rare. Sometimes the woman concerned doesn’t even notice it.

It’s okay, your body had apparently decided that there was something wrong or the circumstances didn’t fit, maybe the stress level was too high or the diet wasn’t good, maybe there were other influences off….

But now is now. Go to the doctor, tell all the packs you’re carrying with you. Let yourself be advised.

2 years ago
Reply to  VladlenaRUS

Yeah, that can be.

I just read that the FG was from him in the 7th week? Sounds very like genetics.

But sometimes on the edge… Do you really want to marry a child with a guy and the one who’s fucking stranger, unprotected, with another woman squatting while you have a miscarriage?

2 years ago

It’s not a critique, but who has as unneededed unprotected traffic as your friend quickly drags around diseases that lead to infertility. If not, let yourself be examined for sexual diseases.

2 years ago

Not really better. 🙈

2 years ago

That was before the two came together (I believe). But there was some time overlap.

2 years ago

I find your text terrifying, or rather very sad. You’re just 19 years old, you’ve already got a child as a minor, a year later pregnant again… a miscarriage, which I’m sorry!

Still, who or what makes you think about child wars?? You certainly have no training, no stable financial foundation, your partner probably just as little. The first child is a toddler and needs all your love and care and you just remember to make the next one…. I honestly miss a little the words!

You don’t get pregnant under pressure. It works as well as never. There are countless cases that you can confirm.

I advise you or To come to rest. Building something so that you as a family have a long-term perspective. Or do you just want to rely on the state? That’s very bad. Just make a child after the other just because you want a baby and then another one, etc.- no. Focus on the existing child so that it gets a good start into life, this is your most important task now. You can still get pregnant in 10 years, even in 20 years.

Good luck!

2 years ago
Reply to  Estrella06

The problem also seems to be that the man from whom the speech is made cannot and wants to keep his sperm and permanently produces children on the right and left.

2 years ago

Keep trying and don’t print you. Just wait

2 years ago

I refer to my answer to you here:

According to profile, you are born in 1997 – how can it be that you got your first child in 2020 at the age of 17 (?) years?

In July 2022, you write that you were 18 years old…

Is the feeling that your son is not righteous?

Perhaps this is your way or the “competitive struggle” to his exes who already have children from your friend?

For not only the physical conditions, but also the head must “take part”. Because much more important than all science is that sex is primarily fun and not just for “reproduction”. That’s half the rent to get pregnant at the same time.

Happy for you!

2 years ago
Reply to  isebise50

I didn’t feel like there’s a lot in the arse…

2 years ago

“You know that they are fruitful”

The question arises: has he been able to examine himself or his sperm before?

2 years ago
Reply to  Goldstueck811

Have you read the question?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ursusmaritimus

But yes! But I know some who, after more than 20 years, still believe to be the biological father, :))

2 years ago
Reply to  VladlenaRUS

Whatever and why: to put you under pressure is the traffic test that he can do!