Warum werde ich als Kind abgestempelt?
Warum nimmt man einen 15 jährigen nicht ernst und sagt immer das er nur ein Kind ist, mit 15 ist man schon Reif
Warum nimmt man einen 15 jährigen nicht ernst und sagt immer das er nur ein Kind ist, mit 15 ist man schon Reif
Mein Vater scheint meine Probleme nicht ernst zu nehmen, und das belastet mich sehr. In meinem emotionalen Schmerz habe ich ihm mitgeteilt, dass ich nicht mehr weiterweiß und sogar über das Beenden meines Lebens nachgedacht habe und zu kündigen. Seine Reaktion war jedoch nur ein lapidares “Schon wieder dieser Blödsinn!” Ich fühle mich unverstanden und…
Bin sternzeichen schütze und Aszedent fische mein mondzeichen ist Waage. Frage mich was genau das mondzeichen ein konkrete Bedeutung hat. Auch in der Kombination mit mein Aszedent und sternzeichen.
Bin eins und frag mich dss irgendwie schon immer. Könnt ja gern mal schreiben ob ihr Vorurteile habt, oder direkt an eine sache denken müsst. LG Rosa
Ich habe meine Mutter geschubst, weil wir gestritten haben. Mein Vater kam dann und hat mich sehr doll auf mein Bett geschubst.
Of course you have more maturity than a 12-year-old child, but still you’re only 3 years older. I know it’s frustrating and I’ve seen it like that at your age, but you’ll get jealous.
Being ripe also means accepting that there are people who do not take one seriously or do not like it. You don’t have to like devils coming out of everyone.
You can’t drive a car = you’re a little kid.
u18 stop. can nix, let nothing. with
ü18 you can still nix, but at least everything – and are also responsible for the consequences.
I could drive
You can’t do it anyway. You can’t. And you won’t be punished yourself. Because u18. Therefore: small child.
With ü18 you still can’t do it, but you can do it, and if you do what, you will be punished for it. Therefore: ü18= no small child.
Jo Moin,
I wasn’t different. With time, you have to fight/develop the necessary self-confidence so that you are taken seriously. Just hit the table and make a clear table. Or just in some things that don’t fit you, make a line through the bill. As long as you remain polite and objective, nothing is in the way.
Even if you don’t want to hear it, because you’re still a child, okay a teenager but an adult you’re not yet.
Whether you’re really mature with 15… that’s a matter of opinion. you can be mature for a 15 year old. from the maturity of an adult standing in the middle of life, but you are far away.
Depending on the subject, you may be taken seriously and not with others. If you want to give me tips on child education because you’ve always been watching your sister, I’d probably not take that seriously. it’s just a difference whether you’re looking after the sister for 2 hours or 24 hours a day for his child.
For this, however, it can be that you, for example, know IT technically better than I do – then I will be happy to help you and will treat you as “adults”.
For example, if I only look at your questions here, there are a few moments where you can clearly see that you are not as mature as you like with 15 years.
You’re swarming for your grown-up neighbor and thinking about whether you knock on and catch her after sex.
you generally have a lot of things about love, cuddle, sex, relationship etc – these are all the topics where you simply lack the experience and therefore also a certain maturity due to your age.
or a simple question. “” I would never ask an adult as an adult. himself is the woman/man. I put myself on the internet, find me a massage institute or a mobile masseur, call there and make an appointment. As a child, you’re already shy of a little thing because you don’t know where to start.
I just didn’t know how to do that with the massage, what can I do if nobody explained that to me?
It’s about growing up.
You no longer rely on the fact that this is done for you or that one explains something to you.
You sit down and try to find out how it goes, try it out, fail, learn from it. And only if you don’t know any more, then you’ll be chasing for help
I’m sure you don’t even have at Google: “– Google Search” entered at google. then X Masseure would be proposed to you, but they would probably have been scattered across Germany.
that brings you nothing (= you have failed). But you learn from it and refine your search by inserting “Massage + Place” and voila you will find those near you.
If you have not found anything against expecting, you will find others for help = you will find in your friends or known circle whether you can recommend a masseur to you.
As an adult I don’t run to Mom and expect her to explain how I find a masseur. You just find out these little things yourself, and that’s what people mean here that you’re not a child, but also not an adult – just because you lack the maturity in certain things. e.g. in this case simply draw the spiritual maturity conclusions so that I get the information I need.
But usually not as mature as an adult.
You’re not as mature as you think. You’ll be stamped as a child. That sounds more like the child, which is quite terrible. It’s not. And for some, child – always comes to the situation – all under 18.
It also depends on how to behave: The statement: I am not a child anymore or I know myself what is good for me is more of immature than of mature.
At 15, you’re “half.” Not “ripe”, but also not completely “green behind the ears with respect to everything”.
At 15 you are still in the middle of development. Body, hormone balance, brain.
Clearly, the name of child is already quite allergic (I also know of my own children). But “growing” isn’t the age for a long time.
Ripe does not depend solely on any accumulated experience. So quasi “Holidays in the countries X,Y,Z – smoking – drinking – dancing – making good/ bad decisions – kissing/ cuddling….” Those things shaved out of the sleeve are really not a sign of maturity. Only “diverse individual experiences that some may have in the age, while others may have much later”.
So ripeness….. can reflect on your own actions only before you act, think through possible consequences before you do something. …
That’s for everyone else, but with 15 no one is completely ripe. In addition, one with 18 is basically also a child, but some old must be on paper.
No, usually not.
Well, there are many at this age who are not yet mature. In general, the age is something you can only do if you have no arguments. If the opposite goes on old, you can consider the discussion as won.
Also often fits me with the elders ifs just fit I am a child and not nearly adult and km next moment I am grown up but childish
LG is also 15😂
With 15 you’re not ready for a long time.
You will always remain the child, and if you are 60, for your parents.
with 15 ripe, some yes, some NO and 20
Well, legally, you’re a teenager! Child is said faster
No. Haha.
Why do you think you’re mature?
I thought so. Haha.
With 15 you are not mature yet