Why do many companies advertise job bike leasing?
Isn't it absurd? You have to pay for leasing yourself. If you want to lease something, you can do it without an employer, and not just a bicycle, but even a Lamborghini.
What advantage is there in offering you to buy something on target at your own expense?
Or does it mean something else?
The monthly payments are deducted from the gross salary for job-wheel leasing. Since taxes and social security contributions are also calculated by the gross percentage, there is a little less pay for this, so there is a saving. If you would pay the monthly leasing rates only from your net salary, i.e. what goes into the account, you would not have this saving.
In addition, the employer can also grant a grant to these job wheels, i.e. take over part of the costs. Of course, this is not the case for private purchase.
Also, the leasing of a job wheel means that you don’t have to pay the complete purchase price at once, but only a considerably smaller amount every month. You can also return this bike after the contract (usually three years) and choose a brand new one for the new lease contract.
But yes, if you counter-calculate it, saving is often not that big, not really, if there is no employer subsidy. Also because in such leasing contracts, there are often costs for compulsory insurance by the leasing provider as well as partly for maintenance contracts, which then completely “freeze” or even exceed the savings for SV and tax. Say, you don’t get any more cheaper about leasing than buying, which makes it interesting for those who either can’t put the purchase price on a hit or who really want a new bike every three years.
Thank you. That’s probably the best answer.
Because the employer can offer the employee a benefit that does not cost him much. If he does not pay any additional costs, he even saves, because for each euro the gross salary flows into leasing does not have to pay any social contributions. Especially since in most cases the employee is leasing partner and therefore there is no risk for the AG even in case of excretion.
Yes, the employee also has what of it, but you have to remember that without paying the employer it is more like a good discount offer with risks (for job loss you have the contract at the back and then it becomes more expensive).
This is the fruit basket variant of the service wheel, where costs and risks are largely borne by the employer…
There are leasing models where the deduction takes place directly from the gross salary, which reduces the income to be taxed accordingly. Especially with expensive e-bikes, this can be financially quite rewarding, I have been waiting for this to be offered by my company at last.
Thank you for the factual answer
The comment comes funny from someone who compares something of factual-sensual 🤣
“not only a bicycle, but even a Lamborghini”
Violetta, calm down and don’t write a bullshit. If you write 2 things in a row, it does not automatically mean that you compare them.
At my husband’s AG you can lease or buy.
Both variants are much cheaper than what you get at the same performance as a private person.
And the wheel- Lambo comparison is sometimes subtle BS.
It is also possible to complain that you get a very good meal in the canteen for 2.50. And elsewhere a star food can buy itself.
with the employer you get a little cheaper…
but I find overall also quatsch.
It’s cheaper.