Warum war er so sauer?
Guten Morgen nach 0 euch allen
mir ist vorletzten Woche aufgefallen, dass unser Nachbar seine Wäsche an einem Sonntag aufhängt. Ich fühle mich allerdings davon gestört und da der Sonntag ein Ruhetag ist, habe ich mich bei ihm darüber beschwert. Er sagte nichts dazu und schien einsicht gezeigt zu haben.
Letzten Sonntag ist allerdings genau das gleiche passiert, ich sah wieder seine Wäsche aus dem Balkon und musste eine Beschwerde an den Vermieter schreiben. Das schien ihn sauer auf mich gemacht zu haben, allerdings hatte ich ihn davor die Woche schon gewarnt und sagte ihm, er solle froh sein so einen toleranten Nachbarn zu haben. Andere hätten sofort Beschwerde eingereicht, ohne ihn vorher zu warnen.
Das scheint dem guten Herren aber schnuppe zu sein und seitdem grüßt er mich nicht mehr. Meint ihr auch, dass er ignorant ist? Schließlich habe ich ihn gewarnt
I really don’t think it’s bad to hang his laundry on a Sunday. It doesn’t sound. In Denmark you can even shop on Sundays and wash your car in East Germany.
And are we in Denmark?
It’s laundry.
You don’t want to be a neighbor.
Eat bad.
Who said I was a woman?
No one has read your name wrong
You don’t want to live beside you
I’m guessing a troll post here.
But let’s assume that the question is serious.
There are no uniform laws on laundry drying on Sunday. It’s usually allowed. Probably your neighbor showed little reaction on your first attack. He’s right, and he’s got you laughing, because he just didn’t want to stress.
With your landlord, you shot yourself off by the second action.
Therefore, my advice: Let your neighbours rest in the future if there is no real harassment.
What is a real harassment for you? I feel disturbed by it
Laundry doesn’t make noise.
That’s your opinion, your neighbor looks different. There are only laws in some exceptional regions. If you don’t happen to be, you have to live with it.
If it’s already a big problem for you, if someone behaves differently than you, it becomes difficult with neighbors.
That’s secondary. Hanging his laundry does not belong to Sunday
I’ll hang out on Sunday’s laundry if the weather permits. There is no law prohibiting this action.
You are just a small carpenter 🤷 ♀️
I don’t want to have you as a neighbor can be sure of when he hangs laundry
You’re a troll, you call yourself alman and tell you these things of laundry, just so your foreigners think that the Germans are really like that. You’re funny
Wat’s a troll? Here we speak German
It’s getting silly
And I find ridiculous to complain about laundry. Oh, my God, it’s just laundry.
Honestly? Just like you… you’d have that finger with me in the right hole… you’d have complained to me… that you think nit ey!
That’s all I’m saying.
Maybe you should reconsider your behavior.
He can do in his apartment what he wants and he can also hang his laundry, even on a Sunday a rest day has nothing to do with clothes hanging.
unfortunately, yes: https://www.chip.de/news/unbelaublich-aber-tru-Darum-ist-Waesche-aufhaengen-sonntag-eigentlich-verboten_184497247.html
However, publicly noticeable activities that disrupt the rest of the day are generally prohibited.
This includes, for example, hanging laundry in the garden or on the balcony. Although this does not make noise, people could feel disturbed in their tranquility if the area is visible by third parties.
He doesn’t care. Let him hang his laundry. I’ll do it on Sunday, too, because I don’t have time in the week.
First of all, you wrote that you noticed. So you’ve lived with it before and now it’s bothering you?
I didn’t see that before because I didn’t pay attention.
Yeah, don’t worry about it. You didn’t have it before, so it didn’t bother you.
Exactly. You can also be naked or be drunk or hang up laundry or put so many flowers there, so you can see no more.
There are a few limits, but they are more likely to point to fat smokers.
Aha can I do now and leave what I want and take no consideration of others?
Needless. There’s no rule forbiding this. He can do on his balcony and leave what he wants.
But now I saw it and now it bothers me
so if the sound of fluttering laundry in the wind, your rest disturbs on a Sunday, then it might be recommended that you move into a senior residential complex, or something similar.
Oh quash, I’m young and have an intact
a happiness is yours in tact. you cannot always have everything
They have dancing tea on Sundays.
that pull the bag you mean? YES this can be very destructive on a Sunday