Warum war die Hartz-IV-Steigerung (63,76%) höher als die Gehaltssteigerung der Verkäuferin in Berlin (45,56%)?
Um die Steigerung der Regelleistung von Hartz IV im Vergleich zum Gehalt einer Verkäuferin in Berlin zu analysieren, schauen wir uns die Zahlen für die Jahre 2010 und 2023 an.
Regelleistung Hartz IV
- 2010: 345 Euro
- 2023: 565 Euro
(565−345=220) Euro
Prozentuale Steigerung:
Gehalt einer Verkäuferin in Berlin
- 2010: Das durchschnittliche Gehalt einer Verkäuferin lag bei etwa 1.800 Euro pro Monat.
- 2023: Das durchschnittliche Gehalt einer Verkäuferin liegt bei etwa 2.620 Euro pro Monat.
(2.620−1.800=820) Euro
Prozentuale Steigerung:
Vergleich der Steigerungen
- Hartz IV: 63,76%
- Gehalt Verkäuferin: 45,56%
Die Steigerung der Regelleistung von Hartz IV war mit 63,76% höher als die Steigerung des Gehalts einer Verkäuferin in Berlin, die bei 45,56% lag.
The amount of the citizen’s money is regulated by law, including how it is calculated on the basis of the back figures.
Salaries are a matter of negotiation…for it has tariffs, for that it is necessary to organize union, that higher salaries are negotiated. And you can always find a better paid job!
Because you must not pay attention to the increase, but only to the amounts.
For example, if a homeless person receives 100 Euros (+100%) instead of 50 Euros per month, it is still not enough.
With the cashier who goes out with +45% and lands at 565, it is enough
Great analysis, it could have saved you if you had informed you about what salary you’d spend on the calculation.
To compare Hartz IV’s regular performance with the diets of a member of the parliament, we look at the figures in more detail:
Control capacity Hartz IV
The increase of 345 euros to 565 euros is:
\text{Steigerung} = \frac{565 – 345}{345} \times 100 \approx 63,76\% ]$$### Diets of the MPs – **2010**: Diets were about **7.668 euros** per month. **2023** Diets were increased to **10.592 euros** per month. **Sustainability** The increase of 7.668 euros to 10.592 euros is: $$[ \text{Steigerung} = \frac{10.592 – 7.668}{7.668} \times 100 \approx 38.66\% ]$### Comparison of increases – **Hartz IV**: **63,76%** – **
Conclusion The **Steigerung of Hartz IV** was higher at **63,76%** than the **Steigerung of diets** of a Bundestag member who was **38.66%**.
I don’t read that inconvenient AI.
Because the income of a seller is not the basis of the calculation.
It is really time for the economy to increase salaries significantly and pay their employees better and not to live in poverty. Not the citizen’s money is too high, it doesn’t live in Saus and Braus, but people are paid too badly.