warum verzichtet ihr nicht auf komplette großschreibung?
ich meine das (BEISPIELTEXT)
ich meine das (BEISPIELTEXT)
Klaus lebt in Lehe. Kaum jemand spricht noch Deutsch. An den Schulen nur Kinder von außerhalb. Wie lebt ihr? Habt ihr ein Umfeld wo überwiegend deutsche leben?
Hallo, ich habe in meiner Steckbrief für die Kita das hingeschrieben. „ Ich gehe zurzeit in die 10. Klasse und möchte nach meiner Mittlerer Schulabschluss Erzieherin werden. Da ich 2 kleine Geschwister habe, kann ich sehr gut mit Kindern umgehen. Ich werde für in der Gruppe Schnecke mit ihre Kinder. Ich freue mich sehr schon.“…
“Bitte lasse mich dich wissen lassen” heißt doch, dass man jemanden darum bittet zuzulassen, dass dieser jemand wissen gelassen wird. Richtig?
Hiiii, Wieso denken so viele manche es gibt Kleingewrbe auf GuteFrage Dankii
Einfach ein Studium Abschluss oder ist Master auch dabei?
It is only rude to write in communication on the net any word with capital letters.
Otherwise, a text in the German language with the correct big and small spell is easy to read. You’re just used to this font.
Complete enrolment is in fact regarded as screaming on the Internet.
A single word completely in Versalien, I personally do not feel bad, it then serves to mark/ highlight a word.
Also, I don’t like complete miniaturization. Words and phrases can have a completely different meaning and it makes reading difficult.
Unfortunately, it won’t be clear what you mean.
Enlargement = In the case of substantives, names, records etc., the first (1.) letter Other. (This is orthographically correct.)
complete uppercase = All letters large letter [DAS GRUNTING]
In the web, for example, the complete writing in capital letters as rude and intrusive because it means that you the?
see for example https://www.schreibwerkstatt.co.at/2012/11/06/ screaming-sie-im-web-not/
I think it’s just beautiful/readable…
There were attempts to abolish the large-scale writing also in German. But apparently the generality finds them practical.
Such an abolition would be just stupid. But probably it was thought about, because everyone always gets d careless and nobody gets there anymore…
Oh, that’s what you mean by the SCHREIEN IN INTERNET… Well, some users here are very happy to emphasize the importance of their answers – but no one takes you seriously.
Generally, I think screams are unnecessary, especially if you have good arguments otherwise. But maybe screaming people don’t.
I’m counting on a full spell.
You often see people like you here who don’t give up a complete shortcut. I’ve never seen anyone abandoning a complete spelling.
Perhaps your question is also incorrectly formulated and you actually wanted to ask:
“Why don’t you completely miss out on big time?”
Then, in the statement that this is rude, I cannot see any sense.
Because you have a language tradition and it is not adapted to your wishes. If you cannot write correctly, you have to learn it or it shows all its deficits. Move to Ireland. There isn’t that in the Enflischen. But dear, Gaelic is so heavy!
It’s not rude, it’s wrong.
The Enlargement in the German language has a structuring function and relieves attention during reading.
Because it is not only better readable, it occasionally also makes a serious difference in content.
Why should we? Just because you find it better and/or because you may not know what to write big or small?
You don’t even have to pay for the full title. Here, our questioner might have done something wrong with his “provocative” question…
Ups, my mistake! I had the question so (miss) understood that there should only be small letters.
Thank you. But good that the misunderstanding is cleared.
No, not your fault. The question is misunderstood.
For anesthetic reasons.
If someone is “unhöflich” You it if you just write small. We live in Germany, not in the USA.
You’re sure why you don’t complete on large scale and not on complete approvalHERE.
German primary school, first class.
Almost everyone dispenses with complete spelling.
No. I have the feeling that people who seriously disregard them are not so intelligent when reading this.
I did this here many years ago and I just got stupid until I gave it up. I just wrote this here – official don’t write.
I know enough people who don’t care, and they all write small – even job certificates.
I don’t know what to do.
find it not nice.
Because I’m not on spelling.
I’m counting on a full spell.
You see.
I do sometimes
many sucks this but and they then weep that it’s the readability subsoil
it is not that
points at the end are also less important than comma zb
Comeas can make people disappear. No points.
yes, I also find more important
but many just insist on the points at the end
that do not make any sense if you take zb for each set a line
I guess you didn’t read the question correctly. I don’t know where to use a complete spelling.
I think you didn’t get it right
but hey, who am I to throw the first stone?
Laziness and ignorance are not legitimised by justifications.
Your mom
I find this answer
I usually don’t.
Wrongly believed. Every responder except FirstSchnee dispenses with complete spelling. But it is asked why we allegedly do not forego.