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1 year ago

Because every state wants to keep control of its currency. This has the reason that the economic conditions in each country are different and that the evaluation of the currency must match. In the eurozone it is therefore sometimes quite nice because countries with very different ratios have the same currency. In this case, however, it has been done, because a certain amount of pressure had been hoped to compensate for the economic situation.

1 year ago

These are real patriots and know and accept only their own currency.

An Englishman cannot understand how to come to the world as not English.

1 year ago
Reply to  Almericaner

What do you think they have left the EU?

1 year ago


Currencies have always emerged regionally. At the moment when larger economies have formed, common currencies have also been established.

A common currency gives advantages in trade, as prices can be seen more easily and it saves conversion costs. For example, the Bavarians have abandoned their guilders in favor of the Reichmark and later many European countries have joined forces to create the euro so that trade is simplified.

The British have not joined and can no longer do so because they are no longer a member of the EU.

Best regards

1 year ago

Each State can “cheaten” money to a small extent through its central bank itself. This, however, only works in the own currency that controls its own central bank. As soon as another means of payment is used in the country’s economy, this state loses the possibility of generating revenue from money pressure.