Warum verschieben sich meine Zähne?

Ich hab früher Zahnspange getragen und trag inmoment halt diesen typischen Draht hinter den Zähnen. Aber irgendwie seit kurzen verschiebt sixh da etwas. Erstmal hat sich eine dezente Lücke zwischen den vorderen zweien gebildet. Dsnn bin ich dahin gegangen zum Arzt und die haben mein Draht repariert und gesagt das liegt wohl daran dass meine Zunge an meinen Zähnen ist und ich soll zur Logopädie. Die Lücke hatten die weg gemacht sber jetzt hab ich rechts beim schneidezahn so eine dezente Lücke.

woran liegt das und was kann ich tun

ixh kann auch nicht schon wieder zum Arzt

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2 years ago

Hello question mark,

an adhesive container usually lasts several years, but sometimes does not. Sometimes you eat something hard or bite it off and an adhesive point is damaged, sometimes you have only bad luck. As long as the adhesive points are seated, the teeth remain in position. Unfortunately, one often does not recognize that an adhesive container is damaged. Then it can happen that the teeth migrate, but only if you don’t wear the additional tanker chips or rails. That the gap was closed again, you were lucky. If you already see the wrong positions in the mirror, you can often not catch them with the reservoirs.

In addition to the adhesive container, you should use the container once a week. If it fits, then everything is good if not, then you have to wear it again or again longer.

When a gap occurs, chips started and, if necessary, go to the orthodontic jaws. Not nice, also costs money, but for some, retention is a lifelong task and then it is necessary.

Good luck!


2 years ago

I want you to go to the logo. Why the question? Your orthodontics gave you the answer, you wrote it here. Make an appointment with the logo holder.

2 years ago

You know what caused the tooth gap, right? So now it would be useless to get you a chip that you’re wearing, you’re taken out, and then your teeth move right away, because you weren’t with the logoped…