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2 years ago

Is that so? I cannot say anything about the situation of the labour market – I guess here is a part of gemstones and a part of tourism.

The proximity to Baumholder and Ramstein could mean a break in the tourism sector. Air traffic in connection with air traffic noise has increased. In 1940 and older – these noises create fears.

If I still consider the plans of the federal government to be upgraded in a city dominated by the length of the American occupation – perhaps one has concerns here.

Perhaps also concerns to experience a similar situation as in the Ahrtal.

And if the war is in Rhineland-Palatinate – then it is in Germany – then I don’t need to sell houses in Berlin, Hamburg or Munich anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kingfrosch

Yeah, I was thinking of flooding, if I’m not quite crazy, Idar is completely straightened, piped in the middle of the city centre.

Biontech- has nothing to say, but the site has been enlarged and is still looking for people.

Bundeswehr- I don’t think the location will be abandoned and the younger recruiting drums will move everywhere.

Maybe just a lot of people died and the heirs already have their own leg..

2 years ago

They just want to benefit a bit from the generally high prices. Otherwise you get a little hard on the ADW and it takes until the houses are gone

2 years ago
Reply to  Kingfrosch

clear or it is simply the ass of the world and nobody wants to live there