Warum verhält sich mein Sohn ihr gegenüber anders? Diszipliniert sie meinen Sohn durch Kratzen?
Warum verhält sich mein Sohn ihr gegenüber anders? Diszipliniert sie meinen Sohn durch Kratzen? Mein Sohn ist 12 Jahre alt, trotz guter Erziehung und viel Geduld macht er immer schlechte Dinge. Ich kenne ein junges hübsches Mädchen aus Italien (sie ist 20 Jahre alt), der ich ihr meinen Sohn normalerweise anvertraue. Mein Sohn hat sich verändert, wenn die Frau in seiner Nähe ist, ist es offensichtlich, dass er Angst hat. Aber warum? Am Körper meines Sohnes gab es mehrmals Kratzspuren, da das Mädchen selbst lange Nägel hat, die sie benutzt.
It’s obvious, but as long as you have no clear evidence of how DNA traces under their long nails or a clear statement by your son, what she does to him, it might be difficult.
Nevertheless, if it’s fresh again, I might actually think about revising. If the police go after this, they would possibly interrogate them and or secure traces.
Lg, Nicki
Do you trust your own son to a person who scares him and that’s just because she’s “young, pretty, 20”? He’s full of his physical and mental development, there’s no anxiety, because that’s what destroys his whole future life.
As soon as he has any injuries or blue spots after care by other persons, he must become a doctor. If something is discovered by someone else, for example by the sports instructor or neighbor, then they report a suspicion to the youth office, and then you can justify yourself.
Why don’t you just ask your son?
The mothers violently against children are happening more often than you think .
My mother was on that.
Unfortunately women are believed and often taken less seriously 🙁
only here is spoken by a 20-year-old pretty Italian and a 12-year-old son, who cannot be her own son because of the age difference.
Vllt stepmom
Yes, that would be just as good as the Nickname Missblondie